Outraged Muslims are demanding Nike recall ‘blasphemous’ Air Max sneaker – IOTW Report

Outraged Muslims are demanding Nike recall ‘blasphemous’ Air Max sneaker

Geller Report: Outraged Muslims are demanding Nike recall an ‘offensive’ line of trainers because the logo looks like Allah’s name in Arabic.  Outraged Muslims – how redundant.

Another Muslim supremacist powerplay. It’s all about control. As if s if Nike would ever do something like this by design. But this is how the Muslim world asserts its authority over non-Muslims. It doesn’t matter that Nike has no clue what they are talking about or that this perceived ‘insult’ is imaginary. Nike became embroiled in a similar controversy in 1997. And Nike recalled thousands of pairs of Air Bakin’ sneakers with the word Air written on the heel. Now, again, outraged Muslims are demanding Nike recall a line of trainers because the design looks like Allah’s name in Arabic.

If Nike had half a ball they would tell these incessant whiners to bugger off.

Can one American company stand up for American freedoms?

A Nike spokesman said: ‘Nike respects all religions and we take concerns of this nature seriously.

‘The Air Max logo was designed to be a stylised representation of Nike’s Air Max trademark. It is intended to reflect the Air Max brand only.

‘Any other perceived meaning or representation is unintentional.’  MORE

21 Comments on Outraged Muslims are demanding Nike recall ‘blasphemous’ Air Max sneaker

  1. Rut-roh decision time for Kaepernick. I believe his girlfriend is Muslim. Will he return the millions to Nike? I mean he is a man of principle 😂. Will he take a knee for Allah or stand for capitalism?

  2. Oh Hell yes, everyone should cave to the demands of the creeping, Sharia law inspiring, towel headed 7th century Neanderthals. Or NOT!!

    Stand up now or face an even bloodier war ahead.

  3. ‘looks like a good shoe for (walking) kneeling around SF’
    ‘At least Kaeperdink is well-practiced for that kneeling part’
    The first name Nike marketing researched was the signature dual kneeling Colon ‘Air-Tight’ Kaepernick model.
    It got rave reviews,,,

  4. ‘Any other perceived meaning or representation is unintentional.’

    Does Nike know their customers? Are retarded? Snowflakes? NPCs? Retarded snowflake NPCs?

    A “perceived meaning” can not be “unintentional”. Your “perceived meaning” can be wrong. You can be lying about your “perceived meaning”. There can be something profoundly wrong with you, such that you are incapable of perceiving actual meaning. But no one can ever cause you to misperceive “meaning”.

    And, if you create a “representation” (or a “presentation”), your intent was, clearly, not “unintentional”. You created a (re)presentation to be seen!

  5. How many pairs have the filthy fukkin ragheads bought?

    Give em a pro rata refund (based on wear) and publish pictures of them returning the shoes (for their filthy fukkin raghead friends).

    More than one way to skin a raghead.

    izlamo delenda est …

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