Outspoken winner of ‘Worst Cooks in America’ show charged with child abuse, murder of 3-yr-old foster child – IOTW Report

Outspoken winner of ‘Worst Cooks in America’ show charged with child abuse, murder of 3-yr-old foster child


A former teacher named Ariel Robinson, who won Season 20 of the Food Network show, “Worst Cooks in America” in August 2020, was recently arrested for alleged child abuse resulting in homicide after her three-year-old foster child was found beaten to death on Jan. 14. She is also a talented and aspiring comedian who spent a lot of time on social media complaining about “white privilege” and talking about her three adopted children who are all white.

“In my house, my black children get treated the same as my white children, and my white children get treated the same as my black children. It’s a shame that when they go out into the real world, that won’t be the case,” she posted on Jan. 6 and added hashtags for “white privilege” and “Black Lives Matter.” read more

23 Comments on Outspoken winner of ‘Worst Cooks in America’ show charged with child abuse, murder of 3-yr-old foster child

  1. I’ve been following this story, this woman needs to die slow. Like for a week. Makes me sick. This bitch is evil. I can’t stop thinking about the three year old. What a fucking animal.

  2. I have a DCMA inspector that looks very similar to that woman. A God fairing Christian who when she visits spends at least an hour talking with my wife. They’re pals. She says she also voted for Trump this time. Sweet woman. However the woman in this story still needs to die slow. You have little control of how you look, and more how you turn out.

  3. Mother had drug issues and lost all three kids (2 older boys and the little girl) to foster care. CPS put her through the wringer trying to clean up her act and get her kids back. Somehow got her to surrender parental rights and all three kids get taken in by these monsters. CPS didn’t even tell her that her daughter had been killed — she learned about it from T.V. news reports, and when she called CPS, was told that she wasn’t owed an explanation and then they hung up on her. This stinks to high hell. I’d love to know how these people got qualified to take those kids and who the hell approved them and why. The two boys are now in some other foster home.

  4. The child’s name was Victoria Smith … Say her name!!

    No wait, she wasnt old enough to make money selling a drug that kills people. Then her life would have mattered.

  5. Poor baby. Her life started with drug addled parents and ended in the hands of psychopaths so evil, Hell could not be hot enough.

    The only relief from the grief is to know Victoria is back in the Lord’s arms, and He’s washed her pain away.

  6. Well, to be fair, there was a lesbian white couple in CA that murdered several black children they adopted. DFACS is a despicable joke, the lesbians had been reported, investigated and allowed to keep the kids. Drove them off a cliff, all died, but they were lesbians, so it was all good.

  7. Food Network probably didn’t do much of a background check. She fit their fantasy so closely.
    Not white.
    Nice sob story.
    Appeared to be a do-gooder.
    Bad cook.
    Now if you’re such a bad cook why would you take in 7 children?
    Yup. The money she got from the state for every kid she had in her foster care.
    Except there was no care involved.

  8. OTD — That particular story still haunts me. The family was from Oregon or Washington. They’d moved there fleeing investigation from somewhere else — the midwest? What is so chilling is that they planned their suicide/homicides and made all the kids take Benadryl while they were driving along. One of the women was looking up ways to kill themselves/the kids on her phone while they were driving. One of the children was a boy whose picture of him in tears hugging a police officer at a (BLM?) rally went viral. Those two demented women had a history of extreme, sadistic discipline in their home at the same time using those black children as props for their own virtue campaign. Then they covered up their hypocrisy and their crimes against the helpless children by murdering them all.


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