Over $200 Million in Donations to Trump Campaign in 48-Hours Since Verdict – IOTW Report

Over $200 Million in Donations to Trump Campaign in 48-Hours Since Verdict

Maria Bartiromo has the details.

9 Comments on Over $200 Million in Donations to Trump Campaign in 48-Hours Since Verdict

  1. Despite the ability of Republicans to not vote there is a certainty of patriots who wish to save our Republic. You Damn Mothe. Fuc…. Republicans had better get off your strongly worded letters and do something other than wiping your butts with Rhetoric.

  2. I spoke with two of my sons, today, and they sent generous donations to DonaldJTrump.com when they heard the verdict, just like I did. It is the first time any of us has ever donated to a political campaign.

  3. So, now will Judge Merchan follow through with his orders from Soros, and send President Trump to jail, or realize that doing so will only make Trump stronger, and instead give him a suspended sentence?

  4. Trump will be installed in the Oval office come January 2025 even if a million of us have to carry him over the podium of fraudulently attempt to install the corrupt Biden*. Who’s with me?

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