Over 25 Central American Migrants Die in Truck Accident – IOTW Report

Over 25 Central American Migrants Die in Truck Accident

Epoch Times: 

More than 25 Central American migrants died in an accident in southern Mexico on March 7. Twenty-nine others were injured.

The truck they were traveling in lost control and overturned in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Chiapas is the usual entry point into Mexico for migrants traveling from Guatemala, the Associated Press reported.

The region has seen increasing scrutiny due to several large migrant caravans headed toward the U.S. border in recent months.

Authorities are investigating the accident, and have not provided the nationalities of all of the victims. The injured were taken to local hospitals.

There have been other tragedies along the routes of Central American migrants venturing through Mexico toward the United States. Two young Hondurans, aged 16 and 17, were murdered after they left a shelter for underage migrants in the Mexican border city of Tijuana late last year.

They were found stabbed and strangled, according to The Guardian. A third person was severely injured in the incident, and his or her life was considered in danger due to witnessing what happened.

At least two others migrants also recently died on their journey through Mexico—one of a drug overdose, the other after getting run over by a vehicle, according to the publication.  read more

28 Comments on Over 25 Central American Migrants Die in Truck Accident

  1. If I was President, and it’s probably a good thing I’m not, I would declare war on Mexico for allowing and encouraging the invasion of our country! One way or another I would put a stop to this. And if some liberal elephants and donkeys were collateral damage I would be fine with that. If we are going to have a revolution let’s get the damn thing started.

  2. 2 years five days after a suitcase nuke was detonated in Phoenix Arizona:
    Joe Arpaio, Governor of Arizona for life, just upped the bounty on ears of illegal invaders from fifty to seventy five bucks, silver.
    Protests erupted when the new regulations were posted on the Town Square in front of the new governor offices in Tombstone. Protestors were angered about the new rule that both ears were required for payment.

  3. I think I’ve posted this here before, but, we use a plater in Central California that picks up and delivers. 2 day turn. Our driver has been with the company for 16 years. He’s Mex and jokingly calls himself a wet back. He’s not, his parents came here legally. They stil have family in od Mexico and stopped visting them back in the 80’s or 90’s. Can’t remember. But the reason they stopped going down there was because it became to dangerous. Cartels were killing everyone in sight.
    This conversation kicked off because we were talking about work ethic in the young. Cut to the chase, the farm worker type labor no longer exists in Mexico. The all joined Cartels.

  4. Not all these migrants of illegals are Hispanic, many are actually from other countries. This particular accident is for Mexico to deal with, although all the illegals being allowed to pass through Mexico should be dealt with by Mexico and should not be allowed to even get near the border. Perhaps Mexico’s government is also being paid zillions by George Soros to give all the illegals safe passage to the border. One truck accident alone is not anywhere near enough to reduce the numbers in the sick and criminal hoards wanting to swarm the US border.

  5. Well that’s 59 that didn’t make it to the border. I’d say that was a good day for America and for our border patrol. Some drown, some are murdered along the way, sneaking in is risky business.

  6. The bottom line is that the Democrat base doesn’t have the first clue what it means to be a real American. These border crashers are not and never will have any respect for what it means to be a real American. They are not coming here, at great sacrifice, to further liberty, for their progeny and ultimately for the world, they are coming here to sponge off the spoils of liberty that prior immigrants worked their asses off to further. The first hint of that dynamic is that they subscribe to the same world view that is antithetical to, and actively hostile to, what built this great country.

    I say that having witnessed what they have prescribed as the path to Utopia play out over, and over, and over, and over ad infinitum, for the six decades that I have been alive.

    This Democrat vision is fueled by diabolical narcissism and is, must be, nothing suggests otherwise, absolutely aligned with satin’s desire to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    Show me where it has not been so and I might be inclined to a more charitable conclusion… Show me where their vision has been implemented and the most vulnerable are not crushed and I would reconsider, but you can’t. No one can.

    Democrats, from human slavery in the American south, through all the prescription for Utopia they have forced through the culture have been and are consistently aligned with satin’s vision for man kind.

    As they advance their agenda there is a positive correlation with innocent human suffering right here and it is no more evident than in places they hold absolute political control over.

    The hell of it is… they point to what innocent human suffering they have exacerbated, or even caused, as validation foe expanding their agenda.

  7. Looks like a 1 ton Ford.
    54 invaders X 150# = 8100#
    WOW just WOW ! All the weight was on the back of the
    truck.Dude’s steering was way light…
    Car guys know what I am talking about.

  8. I’ve more than had it with “giving the benefit of the doubt.” I am actively hostile to anyone who supports the Democrat Party and extend my prior admonition about ever conceding “good intentions to “progressives” to the Democrat Party at large.

    Willful ignorance is no excuse, if anything it exacerbates the sin of knowingly causing innocent human suffering to propagate.

    At this juncture it must be recognized for what it is, it is evidence that one knows what they are supporting is in line with satin’s plan, but “thinks they have an out” on their PERSONAL culpability.

    For the love of Christ, the evidence is before them what their worldview yields, every time, without fail. Rejection of satin and what he stands for simply is not an option at this juncture.

    There can be no refuge in “good intentions” that passes the straight face test any longer. For the love of God, man – the sainted Bernie Sanders spelled it out, the Venezuela model is what they are aiming for and he stands behind that vision even today… but with his teaks. But essentially the same.

  9. JDHasty
    Yes, the shits coming. It’s no longer avoidable. It needs to start before the gun confiscations take place. I’m fairly convinced the socialist will cheat their way into power in 2020. Maybe that’s when it kicks off. But kick off it must.

  10. BB,

    I have a rep for building AR rifles, but that rep is not really an accurate description of my understanding and experience.

    I know ARs, but my rep came from my “high power” shooting days. I know and have the tooling to get them going right.

    Be that as it may, I am now getting calls from the most “unlikely people” about them. I had mostly not payed much attention lately until my daughter was pissed because she could not reach out and kill rockchucks beyond 300yards with her 17 Hornet Contender carbine. The adjustable stock makes the AR a natural for kids.

    So today I am getting calls from all my nieces and nephews friends because I put together a $300 AR for someone they knew from a PSA kit.

    OK, so this kit is serviceable and will shoot a couple inches at a buck. My kid’s ARs shoot into a half inch at a hundred and my daughter is ten, but she is real picky.

    These twenty and thirty something friends of my sister’s kids all say: The shit is coming and I want to be prepared. A PSA M4 carbine kit for two bucks fifty and a lower from Cabela’s for $49 is pocket change and although it has no rear sight they want a halo anyway and that means they are in for four bills.

    OK, I am busy, but show up and we, yes we, will put it together.

    I get to spend time with these kids and they all say: The shit is coming.

    When I was their age I was shooting ARs, but for no other reason that there wasn’t a big money trap shoot anywhere near.

    Fuck yea, I will put their kit together for them and at a price of them listening to me about joining the NRA. Its not rocket science and it takes about a couple hours.

    I charge people to look over their competition AR and “fix” it, but not these kids. I would never charge a patriot a cent for being prepared to defend American freedom.

  11. JDHasty
    There’s a lot of young people that stayed out of college that a pretty damn conservative. And they see what’s coming. Trump needs to make a move to protect our gun rights. His numbers would sky rocket.

  12. ONE good thing (well, one OTHER good thing) is that a couple of hundred “accident” shysters are (probably) crawling over each other trying to get there first – and we should close the border behind them.

    izlamo delenda est …


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