Over 50 Shots from Mexico Side Fired at Rio Grande Border Patrol Agents – IOTW Report

Over 50 Shots from Mexico Side Fired at Rio Grande Border Patrol Agents

Epoch Times- Border patrol agents who were patrolling the Rio Grande early on Aug. 9 were shot at from the Mexican side of the riverbank, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement.

The federal agency said agents assigned to the Rio Grande City Station Marine Unit were patrolling near Fronton in south Texas when they came under fire. The agents reported over 50 rounds were shot at them by four people with automatic weapons.

“The boat was hit several times but no one on board was injured,” the press release said.

CBP said they have launched an investigation into the incident.

CBP did not respond to requests for more information, including if the Border agents fired back, or how many agents were in the boat.

18 Comments on Over 50 Shots from Mexico Side Fired at Rio Grande Border Patrol Agents

  1. Entire world wars have been started for less. (Historical side note there have been 9 “world ward” WWII being the 9th. we can get more into the weeds if anyone wants a free history lecture).

  2. There are many effective retaliatory options available. WAAAAAAAAAAY past time to start using them. Up arm and up armor too! I’d bet that a few good “hosings” from minis, .50s and some rockets – maybe even a drone strike or two – would cause the shooters to stop and think a bit.

  3. Have Apache gun ships hovering below a tree line, if shooting starts flood the zone with prolonged bursts of 20mm cannon fire and 3.75 rockets.
    Cease fire after 5 minutes to see if anybody else wants to play.

  4. You know if we start shooting back the cartels will go full muzzie and shoot from behind a bunch of pregnant “asylum seekers”…..and by lib standards they can be pregnant trans genders too. Just imagine what the MSN would do with that….

  5. Start issuing Spectre Gunships to the Border Patrol. Train the crews or allow crews temporary assignment with the Border Patrol and augment your current patrols with the Spectres. They can get to a hotspot faster then an Apache, they can sterilize a patch of ground quickly and completely. The Mexicans would never know where they were just that they are there and the sensors on a Spectre would almost certainly be able to tell a drug run versus an illegal immigrant run and if there are a few accidents, well shit happens when you’re engaged with illegality and it may dissuade some would-be illegals from trying it the first place.

  6. An invasion of Mexico should be on the table. Wipe out the corrupt narco-government that murders, rapes, and plunders its own people then wipe out the criminal underlings. The people of Mexico would hail Donald Trump as their savior.

  7. @ Billy Fuster: One problem I see is that our own fellow citizens don’t seem to care about our own corrupt government and its criminal underlings. But, I like the idea of lighting the bastards up anyway!


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