Over Half of ‘Trans Women’ in Jail in One State Have Been Convicted of Sex Crimes – IOTW Report

Over Half of ‘Trans Women’ in Jail in One State Have Been Convicted of Sex Crimes


Just over half of the men who identify as “transgender women” who are imprisoned in Wisconsin have committed at least one count of sexual assault, according to documents obtained by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.

According to the documents, 161 men who believe they are women are housed in Wisconsin’s prisons. Eighty-one of them (50.3 percent) have been convicted “of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse.”

Included in this list are the following crimes: Sexual Assault of a Child, Sexual Exploitation of a Child, Trafficking of a Child, Bestiality, Rape, Sexual Intercourse Without Consent, Forced Viewing of a Sexual Act, and many others.  more here

14 Comments on Over Half of ‘Trans Women’ in Jail in One State Have Been Convicted of Sex Crimes

  1. Pedophiles should be killed. Rapists castrated and locked up forever. Traitors flogged and hanged. Transvestite criminals should be locked up with men. And leftists should NEVER have any sort of power, ever.

  2. if one has the ‘privilege’ of encountering a ‘transgender-woman’, just simply hand them a knife & tell them to prove their ‘choice’ … we’ll transplant your milk ducts & ovaries later … promise!

    cowardly men pretending to be women in order to have sex (or bullying) w/ women are a pathetic excuse of a man … they know it & anyone w/ common-sense can readily understand the pathology.

  3. I know that this is supposed to be about the trans movement, but really it is just a snapshot of the horrific perversion of sexuality in general. Sex is beautiful, given by God to recreate life. Our culture (but not ours alone) has corrupted this beauty and this is just a sampling of the effects.


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