Over in Australia….‘Sexual Consent Expert’ Says Parents Should Ask Permission Before Changing Babies’ Diapers – IOTW Report

Over in Australia….‘Sexual Consent Expert’ Says Parents Should Ask Permission Before Changing Babies’ Diapers

Dangerous: Appearing on Australian television Tuesday, sexuality expert Deanne Carson raised eyebrows across the planet with a bizarre claim.

Carson, who describes herself as “a leading Australian sexuality educator, researcher, speaker, author and ultimate keeper of a straight face when dispelling children’s misconceptions about bodies and baby making,” told ABC that parents should ask their baby’s consent before changing their diapers.

She called it an important step to establish a “culture of consent” in the home.

Carson instructed parents to make eye contact with their infants, and ask,  “‘I’m going to change your nappy now, is that okay?’ Of course the baby is not going to respond ‘yes mum, that’s awesome. I’d love to have my nappy changed,’” she said.

“But if you leave a space, and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact, then you’re letting that child know that their response matters.”    more

SNIP: From the comments-


37 Comments on Over in Australia….‘Sexual Consent Expert’ Says Parents Should Ask Permission Before Changing Babies’ Diapers

  1. What are the odds that Miss Mental Illness Hair has never changed a single diaper in her life? Okay, maybe that one time on a latex dummy in her Critical Infant Studies class.

  2. Silly Woman, just use Professor Lazlo’s five day live-in diaper suit. Fastened at the neck this delightful ‘scamper suit’ has all of baby’s favorite colors on the outside and keeps all of baby’s ‘business’ safely on the inside; until a gentle hosing-off in the back yard adds to all the fun!

  3. this is one of the curses of a civilized society, particularly a free, western society …. people have so much free time on their hand they have time to sit around, contemplate their navels, & think up crap (no pun intended) like this

    we used to lock up idiots like this so they wouldn’t infect society … today we not only pay attention to them, we give up our kids to them to be infected w/ this idiot-think

  4. We had a premature baby that spent almost a month in neonatal care. When it was diaper changin’ time, the nurse didn’t ask for the baby’s consent nor did she ask for my consent – she just demanded “Wyatt, change that damn diaper now. I have other things to do.”

    This lady’s advice seems clearly aimed at dudes who would use it to get out of diaper duty until mom was available, but the women in my life weren’t having any of it.

  5. I asked my buddy “Down Under” about this and he told me that it actually works. He said he was watching his grandson who is 18 months old and he says to him. “It smells like your nappy is full of shit there mate!” And sure enough his grandson said “Well you old sod are you gonna fuckin’ clean my ass or do I have to wait for Mammy to get back from the market?”

    So I guess that guy/gal/whatthefuckever it is must know what it’s talking about.

  6. Does she also advocating asking toddlers’ permission to brush their teeth? Wash their hands? Cut their hair? Bodily autonomy too. At age three they gleefully will be saying “no” to everything and delighting in being the boss. At age 13, they will be trained up to be monsters… Nah… she probably doesn’t. She’s just fixated conflating urination, defecation, and diaper-changing with sexuality. A pervert.

    *By the way, what makes her a sexuality “expert”?)

  7. First rule of being taken seriously on any substantive subject – no oddball costume and that includes oddball hairdo especially coloration.

    Little difference between how pink hair and wearing a rubber nose and big red shoes will be perceived when it comes to practical application of this maxim.

  8. We’re not talking about sex we’re talking about changing a baby’s shit-filled diaper you moron. No baby, infant or toddler can ever comprehend your bullshit. So go dunk your head in a toilet bowel full of bleach.

  9. Ever notice how those that have all these demands, consent, permission, etc. all seem like someone that no one has ever or would hit on?
    Bound to be envy and self loathing, I think.

  10. Pink hair… Check.

    Dyke… Check.

    Non-rigorous pseudo-academic field of study… Check.

    No experience with a baby at all… Check.

    So… Naturally, among the progtard asshole set, this cunt passes for an “expert” on how to handle babies.

    Seriously, the mere possibility that that carpet munching marxist scumbag may even have the remotest chance of affecting government policy one day justifies kicking her to death with a steel toe boot ASAP. It’s the only way to be sure. This way of thinking needs to be killed off with extreme prejudice. Enough is enough.

  11. .45-70: “I’m 60 yr old. Have never changed a diaper.”
    [My voice] You’re still relatively young.
    [Yoda voice from Star Wars Episode 5] “You will be. You will be.

  12. Hilarious! 45-50 and CFM…JudgeRoy! That said…

    I started out in cotton and changed my own troops with Huggies.

    IT’s DRIVEL mealy mouth modern new age GARBAGE but must be taken VERY seriously we are in uncharted territory…storm ahead. Ready your crew.

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