Over in London: The Knife Crime Epidemic is so bad, even puny blimps aren’t safe – IOTW Report

Over in London: The Knife Crime Epidemic is so bad, even puny blimps aren’t safe


Patriot Retort: It was a sad, sad day in London yesterday.  The Trump baby blimp became the latest victim of the London knife crime epidemic.

I’ve said before that I generally don’t believe in curses.  But I’m beginning to.  And it looks like baby blimp is yet another victim of the Trump Curse.

Sheesh. That’s gonna be a huge chalk outline.  Well, not very huge.  The baby blimp is actually kinda tiny.

Naturally Twitter was jam-packed with folks making Hindenburg jokes (you know, “Oh, the HUMANITY!!!”).  Which, when you get right down to it, is all kinds of funny.

When Mayor Sadiq Khan can’t even stop the knife crime epidemic from killing off his favorite petty balloon, maybe Londoners should rethink having this pocket-sized puke running their city.

Sadiq believes President Trump doesn’t reflect London’s values.  But since London’s values include a knife crime epidemic, maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

It’s poetic justice, really, watching this childish and petulant “protest” blimp bite the dust.


11 Comments on Over in London: The Knife Crime Epidemic is so bad, even puny blimps aren’t safe

  1. Are leftist Brits big fans of abortion? Maybe it was a demented leftist who was triggered by seeing a “baby” and carried out a balloon baby abortion. It’s not really a stretch since most leftists are completely mental.

  2. It was a Brit Trump fan. She did it to “deflate” Khan. And then the police arrested her like she was some big time criminal threat for having an instrument sharp enough to put a hole in the balloon.

  3. In the video I saw she came away with a good cut on her hand. She said the blimp was disrespectful. I wonder what they charged her with. Popping a balloon??? There was mention of a gofundme being setup for her defense. I guess not all Brits hate us as much as the media presents.

  4. Perry
    “. . . gofundme being setup for her defense”

    Have not seen the video so this is from 3rd and fourth hand knowledge. She would be liable for the cost of the ballon. But she can argue that duct tape could fix it for less than a tenner and I hope some good folk throw in a bob or two to help her out.


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