Overly Cloying and Excitable NORK Newswoman – IOTW Report

Overly Cloying and Excitable NORK Newswoman

People are getting a kick out of how orgasmic and excitable this Nork Newswoman is as she narrates Kim Jong Un “flying” a plane.

People are saying they wish they knew what she was saying.

We have a partial translation- HEAR IT HERE.

14 Comments on Overly Cloying and Excitable NORK Newswoman

  1. Flying is actually very simple, there really isn’t much to it. Planes were built to fly, just as cars were built to roll.

    It’s all the other bullshit that comes along with flying that is difficult. Like landing, safely. Or adhering to TFRs and NOTAMS which mostly involve flying near unimportant dicks like Obama and his ugly wife. But you can fly over nuclear reactors, just so long as you don’t loiter in the area.

  2. The pointy-heads got nothing on us. Our dear leader can stop the rising ocean waters, end unemployment, provide free health care, and end racial divisiveness, all while golfing and vacationing 90% of the time.

  3. Ok, so which douche bag country/company sells the Norks aircraft with glass cockpits and modern avionics? The Norks should have a bubble for the navigator to stick his head up in to check out the stars and some dodgy gauges.

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