Overpopulation Hoax – IOTW Report

Overpopulation Hoax

CNS: In 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote “An Essay on the Principle of Population.” He predicted that mankind’s birthrate would outstrip our ability to grow food and would lead to mass starvation. Malthus’ wrong predictions did not deter Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich from making a similar prediction. In his 1968 best-seller, “The Population Bomb,” which has sold more than 2 million copies, Ehrlich warned: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.” This hoax resulted in billions of dollars being spent to fight overpopulation.

According to the standard understanding of the term, human overpopulation occurs when the ecological footprint of a human population in a specific geographical location exceeds the carrying capacity of the place occupied by that group. Let’s look at one aspect of that description — namely, population density. Let’s put you, the reader, to a test. See whether you can tell which country is richer and which is poorer just by knowing two countries’ population density.

North Korea’s population density is 518 people per square mile, whereas South Korea’s is more than double that, at 1,261 people per square mile. Hong Kong’s population density is 16,444, whereas Somalia’s is 36. Congo has 75 people per square mile, whereas Singapore has 18,513. Looking at the gross domestic products of these countries, one would have to be a lunatic to believe that smaller population density leads to greater riches. Here are some GDP data expressed in millions of U.S. dollars: North Korea ($17,396), South Korea ($1,411,246), Hong Kong ($320,668), Somalia ($5,707), Congo ($41,615) and Singapore ($296,967).

The overpopulation hoax has led to horrible population control programs.  more

10 Comments on Overpopulation Hoax

  1. The Bitter Clingers cling to their nefarious myths of Globaloney Warming, Over-Population, and Socialism.

    It is more than a religion to them – it is a fervently-believed, humanity-must-suffer-for these Satanic beliefs, unto the deaths of all except the “chosen few” and a couple of million slaves.

    These people will NOT go away. Malthusian Bullshit has been proved wrong for almost 220 years, but that isn’t enough for the die-hards. This is something WAY BEYOND ordinary stupidity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Does this fall into the “settled science”, “denier” or “fake news” category. I damn near need a score card to keep up with the end of the world predictions.

  3. I was brainwashed about overpopulation when I was a kid. Now their brainwashing kids about climate change. The “they” are leftists and their media propagandists.

  4. Technology is the only thing preventing a Malthusian correction. Malthus wasn’t wrong, exactly, he couldn’t have foreseen the technological advancements which have allowed us to continually escape Malthus’ predictions.

    We have just kicked the can farther down an ever growing road. If we ever cease developing technological means to avoid the consequences, Malthus’ predictions will kill most of us.

    If we were somehow reverted to the technology of 1798, 99.99% of the global population would almost certainly be dead within a decade. Probably most of the deaths occurring in the first year.

    Does the world really need another 7+ billion 85-IQ extras from Idiocracy eating and reproducing – until every second of *our* lives is spent trying to support an unsustainable population of utterly useless mentally retarded eaters?

    Barring developing rapid space travel, and colonizing habitable worlds beyond this solar system, our population will inevitably crash – when something (it doesn’t matter what) disrupts the increasingly complex technological system needed to support that population.

  5. If overpopulation really is a problem and Mother Earth is suffering and libs are more in tune with nature and libs are naturally more giving people, then we can solve this problem quickly.

    47% of Americans can volunteer for a lunar habitat. They’ll have to hold their breath a little while up there though,
    Probably 60% of Europeans can too,
    Definitely 100% of communists can make the trip,
    Plus we’ll borrow the 1.6 muslims listed above to round things out,
    And viola; elbow room and fresh air for the rest of us.

    Or, “Soylent Green is people!”

  6. Recently rewatched Solent Green – Charlton Heston and E.G. Robinson were good in this sick doomsday projected future – much like the first Planet of the Apes.
    I had seen it originally when I had been in Los Angeles an had seen high concentrations of people and smog. It came out around the same time as Paul Eurlick’s book being popular.

  7. Heston and Robinson are terrific in that movie. Funny in that it portrays all those stereotyped future fears from the 1970s. I love the fact that they couldn’t even imagine a future where the cop didn’t have to rely on public pay phones!

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