Ozempic Maker Sued Over Alleged Side Effect Sending Patients to ER – IOTW Report

Ozempic Maker Sued Over Alleged Side Effect Sending Patients to ER

Best Life:
Ozempic has taken the world by storm over the past year. While the semaglutide injection was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for people with type 2 diabetes, its popularity has skyrocketed recently, as celebrities have started taking the drug off-label to quickly shed pounds. But as Ozempic and other drugs like it have become more widespread, patients have started reporting some unexpected and painful symptoms that may be linked to the medication. Now, the maker of Ozempic is being sued. Read on to find out about the new lawsuit and the alleged side effect behind it.

Ozempic and its sister drug Wegovy—which is prescribed for weight loss—have both become popular in the weight-loss space, because they contain semaglutide, a medication that works by mimicking the natural hormone GLP-1.

This hormone slows down food as it passes through the stomach, which helps to decrease people’s appetites by making them feel fuller for longer. But problems can arise when it slows digestion down too much, according to CNN. more

13 Comments on Ozempic Maker Sued Over Alleged Side Effect Sending Patients to ER

  1. Why diet and exercise when you can take a pill.

    People are frikken lazy. Remember when the frozen heat and eat foods only occupied a very small section of the grocery stores.

  2. I know about 6 or 7 women at my gym that started this crap. First of all they are not fat. But they talked their docs into prescribing it to them. They’re sick all the time. Here’s the deal, their quality of life went from a 9 or 10 to about a 2. And here’s the amazing part. They are sticking with it.

  3. “Kids are different today,”
    I hear ev’ry mother say
    Mother needs something today to calm her down
    And though she’s not really ill
    There’s a little yellow pill
    She goes running for the shelter of a mother’s little helper
    And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day

  4. If you take a drug without a prescription and take it for something off-label — and especially if you take it without having the underlying condition it’s meant to treat — do you really have grounds to sue if you suffer side-effects?

  5. Lets hope it kills off the Kardashians.
    AKA: the Gypsy Whores Of Hollywood

    The USA made a VERY WRONG TURN with Slick Willie & the Cum Stained Dress and then Nosed dived when that family of Shit Heads got a TV show.

    It then Went Subterranean when their stepdad Cut off his DICK, vehicular killed & started the Eunuch Cult.

    My GOD,
    I can’t believe this is reality and NOT a SOAP OPERA!

  6. I’d like to see the death penalty for the person who penned the Ozempic jingle and every fat pig that ever appeared on TV saying they were “Down with Rebelsis”.

  7. “She’s actually even thrown up so violently that she’s lost teeth.”

    Damn! How does that even happen? Maybe some routine dental maintenance would help. Are her teeth that bad off, or is she hurling big chunks of food that just knock them out?

  8. Wait! Isn’t better living thru chemistry the ideal in our “treat the symptoms of every problem” culture that has lead to almost everyone becoming dependent on some sort of “medication?”

    Hail the Medical Industrial Complex!

    On Phfizer, on Bayer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson….


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