PA: AG Kathleen Kane (D) convicted on all counts in a perjury trial – IOTW Report

PA: AG Kathleen Kane (D) convicted on all counts in a perjury trial

WT: NORRISTOWN, Pa. — The state’s attorney general was convicted Monday of all nine charges against her in a perjury and obstruction case related to a grand jury leak but insisted she is innocent and vowed to appeal.

Attorney General Kathleen Kane, the first Democrat and first woman elected to the office, showed little emotion as jurors announced their verdict. The jurors agreed that Kane leaked information about a 2009 grand jury probe to embarrass a rival prosecutor.

An attorney for Kane, in closing arguments Monday, blamed her former top aides for the leak of grand jury material, which found its way to a newspaper. Kane wanted the public to know her predecessor had failed to prosecute a case involving an NAACP official, but she never authorized the leak of secret criminal files, said her attorney, Seth Farber.

Instead, he said, Kane’s chief deputy, Adrian King, abused his power when he sent the files to a reporter through Kane’s political consultant. Mr. King and the consultant, Josh Morrow, testified against Kane last week.

Mr. Morrow, who had a grant of immunity, said he and Kane devised a cover-up story that framed Mr. King for the leak. He acknowledged telling the lie to a grand jury.  MORE

18 Comments on PA: AG Kathleen Kane (D) convicted on all counts in a perjury trial

  1. this verdict goes against the usual result of a Democrat Party politician getting caught breaking the law – “to get drummed out of office, a Democrat politician has to be caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl”

  2. I suspect she’s going to do the max. She picked a bad time to go down for this as I suspect that the Dems need a sacrificial goat in order to show that Dems aren’t immune to the rigors of the law. This way they can point at her languishing in the slammer and say that Hillary must be innocent if she’s free and a woman Democrat AG has been found guilty. I hope Lynch is watching.

  3. Poor baby is probably in deep shock that she, being a rabid scum eating DemoRAT, was even charged let alone found guilty of typical, standard run of the mill political malfeasance and criminality!

  4. I read somewhere that she’s a former Clinton staffer. I guess she thought she’d get the same special favors as the rug muncher. Sorry peon. You’re not in her league.

  5. @burner, nailed it. They have to throw some under the bus to make Hillary’s outcome look okay. Or else everyone will be using the Hillary defense like in a former story here.

  6. When you can CONVICT – and force them to resign! – a sitting DEMOCRAP in PA, I KNOW Trump’s gonna win now… in a LANDSLIDE! 😀

    When KLIN – TON I campaigned for her 4 years ago, I KNEW her chief qualification for office was… that she fit UNDER a desk. 🙄

    The clock has now struck midnight… and the desk DIDN’T fit! 😆

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