PA Gov. Vetoes Telemedicine Bill Since it Excludes At-Home Abortion Pills – IOTW Report

PA Gov. Vetoes Telemedicine Bill Since it Excludes At-Home Abortion Pills

Legal Insurrection- The bill has a new amendment that excludes drugs not approved by an FDA safety program, which includes an abortion pill.

Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed a telemedicine bill meant to help people use the internet for virtual doctor visits and receive medication because it did not include abortion pills.

The bill received a new amendment that bans “the use of telemedicine for procedures that are not approved under the Food and Drug Administration’s Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS),” which does not include the at-home abortion drug mifeprex.

REMS “requires patients to be informed about a drug’s side effects, along with the drug’s registration with an FDA safety program.”

This was too much for Wolf: MORE

16 Comments on PA Gov. Vetoes Telemedicine Bill Since it Excludes At-Home Abortion Pills

  1. Hmm.

    Government mandated social distancing should make abortion medications unnecessary. I mean, I’m a pretty good shot, but I ain’t that good.

    This whole liberal argument is falling apart.

  2. Here’s the deal: When there is a name on the ballot, that’s not who is “representing” the position. The front man or woman is merely that, the front of a large, organized, group of people who have an agenda. The Left and the GOPe don’t really care whose name is on the ballot as long as that person is telegenic and they can string a few talking points together and are able to duck questions while saying nothing. How the heck do you think Cortez got elected?! How about all those so-called tea party republicans who betrayed us all? All Joni Ernst had to do was get up there and imply that her knowledge of castrating hogs would somehow make her a great conservative senator, for crying out loud!

    Every one of those paid staffers taking up office space and perks went to D.C. to make sure their front person does exactly what they tell him to do. It’s exactly the same with the State Houses.

  3. Wolf is term limited, just like Blackface in Virginia. Both will be in power until 2022.

    Perhaps our fellow citizens should have been paying attention some years back.

  4. And Wolf hasn’t seen a willing vagina since 1971.
    Shame on me for saying that. But.

    Prove it isn’t true.

    It’s like the professional lesbian dick shrinking women of the left. Say Liz Warren, the Governors Of Michigan and Oregon.

    They’ve all set up an atmosphere of shrinkage and the species will not procreate.

    And the sissy girl men? They used to banter in a Starbucks or something.

    They don’t even have pretend bag a broad anymore. Wouldn’t know what to do if they got lucky.

    Totally finished with these droop dicks and snarling cunts.

    I’m kinda hoping for America again.

    Sorry for the rant. I needed to get that off my chest.

  5. Yes, the democrats are the party of Satan. At 71, Gov. Wolf is statistically vulnerable to a sudden call from above. He’s going to regret selling his soul to the devil. That smug EFF YOU look on his face is soon to become a panicked look. Pray that he’ll turn to God before it’s too late.

  6. @PHenry May 4, 2020 at 9:18 pm

    > Perhaps our fellow citizens should have been paying attention some years back.

    Perhaps your fellow, loyal, citizens were. Same as it ever was: “Un Party, uber alles”.

  7. Why cut down the big business of killing babies with an inexpensive med? You can’t make money for your friends that way. Wolf is as bad as any demonrat breathing today.


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