PA: Lamb Won (?) Appealing To The Bitter Clingers Most Democrats Despise – IOTW Report

PA: Lamb Won (?) Appealing To The Bitter Clingers Most Democrats Despise

DC: Republicans suffered a serious defeat in the Pennsylvania special election Tuesday night.

While the results aren’t 100 percent official yet, it looks like Democrat Conor Lamb will walk away with an upset in the deep red district.

The tentative results are prompting a round of media predictions that 2018 is going to be a massive blue wave and that the special election was a referendum on Trump.

But that prognosis puts way too much of the blame on Trump and overlooks how Lamb managed to win a solid Republican district. The Democrat didn’t base his campaign around Trump as he remained rather muted on the subject of the president. In fact, Lamb struck a conservative-populist tone in his campaign.

He supported Trump’s plan to place tariffs on steel and aluminum imports — a smart decision in the working-class region. He released an ad showing him firing off an AR-15 and is hesitant to support further gun restrictions. He vowed to not vote for Nancy Pelosi as the House Democratic leader. He also stayed largely silent on immigration and even avoided reporters who wanted his comments on the subject.

Combined with his youthful charisma and service in the Marine Corps, Lamb made for the perfect candidate to run in a deep-red district. But while appearing to be a conservative, he was actually progressive on most issues.  more here

12 Comments on PA: Lamb Won (?) Appealing To The Bitter Clingers Most Democrats Despise

  1. Glossed over several headlines earlier. Apparently massive fraud with bussed in voters and illegals. Should be Sessions last, ABSOLUTE last chance for a small bit of redemption. The big question is, when he fails, what will PDT do about it??

  2. With all the sources out there these days to inform people and it appears there’s still way too many people easily snowed by a lying politician. I was hoping people were finally waking up but it seems not.
    This clown will get right in line with what the leadership wants or go nowhere. How hard is that for some to figure out?

  3. The loss of the PA election by the RePUBICans rests squarely upon the shoulders of the whiney, lazy, hypocritical, selfish, lying RePUBICan Party.

    The constant lying, colluding, capitulating, limp-wristed, chickenshit, rePUBICican Party is EXACTLY why President Trump was elected. We are tired of the GOP doing nothing, grabbing more money, and capitulating to the democRATS.

    Congress seems to have forgotten, THE RE-PUBIC-AN PARTY HAS BOTH HOUSES AND THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH. There should be no reason to allow the democRATS to obstruct presidential appointments. Doing so shows America exactly which side the GOP is on.

    Not giving President Trump the full arsenal of his staff appointments is kneecapping him and the BLAME IS ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE REPUBICANS, particularly McConnell. His leadership is abysmal.

    Voters are not voting for democRATS, they are voting against Mitch McConnell and his scumbag rePUBICans.

  4. LAMBCHOP! Nancy Pelosi’s sockpuppet, with her fist up his ass! 🙄

    Ironically, the ILLEGAL re-districting done by the state supreme court means, HIS district disappears NEXT year! Wah, wah, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh… 😆

  5. professional republican or democrat politicians are the same thing.

    professional liars.

    how about running citizens for our citizen government for a change and maybe end up with another trump.

    quit voting for professional politicians, they are not good at their jobs.

  6. The Democrats have always been better at GOTV, especially at the local level. Now, I have always suspected that many of the votes that they get out are fraudulent, but until the Republican Party grows a pair and plays politics the way it has to be played, they will forever lose.

    Trump tried with his Election Commission, but he received no support from the Republicans (many pushed back) or Sessions.


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