PA official: We already have the aid Obama released – IOTW Report

PA official: We already have the aid Obama released

AS7: A Palestinian Authority (PA) official claimed on Thursday that the PA has already received the $221 million in American aid authorized by former President Barack Obama hours before he left office.

“We have already received the last sum assigned by Obama’s administration. They have transferred this money,” Husam Zomlot, a strategic affairs advisor to PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, told the Russian RIA Novosti news agency.

When asked to clarify whether he was speaking about the $221 million payment, he answered in the affirmative added that the decision was made in Washington “several weeks ago”.

The Associated Press reported earlier this week that Obama had defied Republican opposition and quietly released the money to the PA just before Donald Trump became president.

The State Department later said it was reviewing the last-minute decision of the Obama administration, but Zomlot’s statement suggests it is too late for that.  MORE

12 Comments on PA official: We already have the aid Obama released

  1. STOP all US money going to Palestinians.
    You cannot support the only democracy in the Middle east (Israel) and then financially support the terrorists whose only desire is to wipe Israel off the map.
    Stop funding terrorism !

  2. If this turns out to be true then the President needs to hold a press scrum and announce a cessation to all aid to any Palestinian organisation humanitarian or otherwise. Let the world know that until they actually begin to try to come to an accommodation with Israel (which does no include the right of return for any Palestinian who was not in the disputed areas in 1948) then no money, help or anything will be forthcoming. Russia probably won’t do dick first because they don’t have the money and second because they have their own fish to fry. The Chinese might but then they have to remember that there is a real man in the WH today and that should be enough to make them hesitate. The arab countries (especially Iran and possibly Turkey) may take a run at it but with Trump going full speed ahead on energy self-sufficiency that’s a pretty chancy gamble for the Saudi’s and the Kuwaiti’s. Finally monitor all Palestinian communications to the west and see what they say to their own people. Tell them the messages better be the same.

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