PA: Parents ‘gifted’ their child to a man to bail them out of financial ruin – IOTW Report

PA: Parents ‘gifted’ their child to a man to bail them out of financial ruin

Update: Link changed…. A 51-year-old Bucks County man was arrested after he was found living with 12 girls, including a teenager he considered his wife, and a baby and a toddler he fathered with her, authorities said Friday.

Lee Kaplan was arrested Thursday morning at his home on the 400 block of Old Street Road in Lower Southampton after an anonymous tip led county child welfare workers and police to his door, Lower Southampton police Lt. John Krimmel said.

Some of the children were hiding in the small house.

“We kept finding more children,” Krimmel said. “It’s just a crazy situation.”

The oldest girl, now 18, told police she was the mother of two of the girls, a 3-year-old and a 6-month-old, Krimmel said.

The teen’s parents, Daniel and Savilla Stoltzfus, of Quarryville, Lancaster County, also were arrested after they told police they had “gifted” their daughter to Kaplan four years ago.  MORE

10 Comments on PA: Parents ‘gifted’ their child to a man to bail them out of financial ruin

  1. Lots of evil people out there.
    About a million in this country alone every year who kill their kids, then there are thousands who horribly abuse them like this family did.

  2. Good thing there are strict laws against child molestation and pedophilia, otherwise we’d have situations like this occurring.

    What? It’s the same type of argument being used by gun control la advocates, isn’t it?



  3. Ok, i’m tired of all this shit. You people straighten up and fly right. Jeez. Frikking perversion, sickness, demonic oppression, possession. Been there all these years, just getting worse. Come soon Jesus, before we start killing all these freaks or take us outta here and Let them live here in their own sick world.

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