Pack of feral hogs attack and kill woman outside Texas home – IOTW Report

Pack of feral hogs attack and kill woman outside Texas home


An alarming, horrific predawn attack by feral hogs on a woman outside a Texas home resulted in her death on Sunday, according to the Chambers County sheriff.

Christine Rollins, a caregiver to an elderly couple in Anahuac, failed to enter their home on time for work as scheduled between 6 and 6:30 am. One of the homeowners discovered her remains in the front yard between her car and the house.

“In my 35 years, I will tell you it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen,” Sheriff Brian Hawthorne told reporters in a Monday news conference. read more

35 Comments on Pack of feral hogs attack and kill woman outside Texas home

  1. Fucking hogs. Damned things are breeding out of control. Most people with any sense shoot every one they see and still the population is growing. Time to call in Ted Nugent and his helicopter brigade.

  2. 61 years ago I was deer huntin with my “Flying Tiger” Uncle. Willie, our dog got some wild hogs mad! they charged, they died! Wild hog is tasty, but tough and stringy!

    I kill bad guys. Those not human I eat.

  3. poor woman … being eaten by feral pigs is way down there on my ‘ways to die’ list

    wouldn’t want to wish it on anyone

    … ‘cept maybe Adam Schiff … man, what a feast Jerry Oomph-Loompa Nader would be!
    … ok, Harry Reid, Woodrow Wilson, Valerie Jarrett, Ruth Buzzie Ginsberg, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Dan Rather, Margret Sanger, et al.

  4. Domestic hogs will kill you if they get you down in their pens.

    The problem of too many wild hogs has one solution; barbecue sauce. Start huntin’ them hawgs, boys! I’m told wild hog is delicious.

    Also, captured jihadis who kill kaffirs in the name of their false god should be fed to the hogs after lawful execution. Burial at sea; Ha!

  5. Feed the homeless wild pork. I remember when one of the Channel Islands had too many wild sheep, and the Lefties cried when they culled the herd. I was outraged that all that mutton was going to waste when there are starving kids in LA.

  6. A friend of mine inquired about hunting feral hogs in a southern state. The farmer said “sure, they’re all over in that timber.” “What’s the limit?” “How much ammo do you have? Shoot as many as you can.” “I can’t haul more than one or two out.” “Fine, leave them.”

    The point is that feral hogs are a huge problem in many areas. There are even a couple of billboards on the 44 south of St. Louis asking people to report feral hog sightings beause the population seems to be migrating north.

  7. I blasted a 200 pound feral hog boar a few weeks ago. Had I not seen him first, he could have done great harm to me. His tusks were impressive. I live not too far from this woman. I filled two doe tags this morning and soon I’ll turn my attention to the hogs. I purchased a new night vision scope today that should make life very difficult for the hogs on my land. In Texas, killing feral hogs is unrestricted. I have a large Tannerite surprise in store for them.

  8. Hambone, what are you doing with the tannerite? Is it corn flavored? Can you get them to take a mouthful, then blast them? Do they walk over a big mound of it? Inquiring minds need to know. You said earlier 300 Blackouts, right?

  9. Poor woman. Condolences to family and friends.
    A terrible way to meet your end. As are similar events done by human feral hogs that roam our city streets.

    I guess we now know that the old saying – “He went to s__t and the hogs ate him”. – isn’t just a silly saying referring to a lazy slacker that frequently disappears from where he is supposed to be working, but was probably based on actual events that sometimes occurred during the time when outhouses were common or people went camping in back-country woods in areas with wild hogs.

  10. And here in MT, our oh-so-=enlightened Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks intends to fine citizens who shoot feral hogs coming over from Canada to “discourage hunters from importing them for sport”! The Deep State on smaller scale – blame the citizenry! They’re talking about fines of $1 K + for first offense. Idiots!! They’ll just be encouraging the SSS method of pest control.

    BTW, Conservative Cowgirl, how did your feral boar taste?

  11. Texas is overrun with these killer hogs, wild boars. Being loaded to kill bear is no joke and an absolute necessity. No telling when or where they will show up. Just as what happened to this woman. Really no different than being attacked by killer thugs in the urban cities these days.
    Where I live in Oregon we have wild turkey packs, but at least they aren’t killers.

    Feral Hogs Are Tearing Up Texas, So Tourists Are Shooting Them from Helicopters

    Wild Russian boars invade Texas

  12. @forcibly deranged, he was delicious! He wasn’t old and tough. My meat processor made some incredible sausages (“Cheese Bavarian style and “Black Forest”) and the smoked ham was fantastic! I kept the head and had the skull cleaned. I can’t wait for my next hunt.

  13. Well, round here-abouts the state gov’t (MO) says not to kill em cuz that makes more of em! And even though that sounds sorta like the Globaloney Warming Scam, they insist it’s true! Can’t explain it, other than that, though.
    If they tried to root here, they’d get sore snouts.

    Anyhow, my condolences to the family of the poor lady who succumbed to the animal attack.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. The elites will never say there are enough taxes, wars, debt, and tyranny.

    The ruling class will continue their insanity until the US Ponzi economy collapses, the 99% are sent to the concentration camps, a civil war breaks out, and WWIII starts so they can divide the wealth of the world among themselves. This is the end game. The only question is when.

    You would need to be living under a rock not to see this.

  15. Killing feral hogs in Texas was made unrestricted
    on public land last year. The problem is the ratio
    of public land to private is miniscule. Until Texas
    gets serious and acts like this is a statewide
    emergency and opens ALL lands (subject to some limited safety zones around human habitation) not just public,
    to hog hunting, this will just get worse.

  16. It is indeed a major problem in the south, especially in Texas where the hogs run wild. Prolific breeders, and very wiley creatures. They are dangerous and should be treated as such. It is no wonder why I carry a 45 on my hip while out walking in the woods and brush with my dogs. They will rush you and attack. Drop them where they lay. It’s a growing problem.

  17. Las Vegas has a coyote problem. The Libs think they’re so cute and should be protected. Then coyotes started to eat their cats and now they decided they’re not that cute anymore. You should read the NEXTDOOR in our neighborhood. “I keep seeing them! What do we do? I’m afraid!!!”
    My next comment will be, “shoot them. If anyone starts shit with you, shoot them, too.” LOL
    It’s only 7am and I’m already hating people. 😀

  18. @ Joe6pak
    I will sink a piece of 4×4 into the ground and securely mount a five pound Tannerite charge to the top about 18 inches off the ground. I’ll then pile 50 pounds of corn around it. When eight or ten hogs surround the charge, I will set it off by shooting it from 75 yards away with a high powered rifle. Ever hear of the saying “When pigs fly”? Well, that’s just what they’ll be doing. The hog problem is out of control here and even the use of night vision scopes is legal for night hunting. The 300 Blackout is a favorite tool, but I’m going to try out my .375 Ruger rifle just to see the results.

  19. Hambone, I like the plan. If those damn hogs are now attacking people it’s time to get serious about eliminating them. Same goes for illegal immigrants, we should consider a plan for getting rid of them.

  20. Back in the early ‘90s ur family was on vacation at Tanque Verde Ranch in Tucson. DH and I were in the “cabin” and the kids were just outside of the cabin poking around in the private outside sitting garden area.

    Suddenly they were screaming charging the door. A wild boar had entered their space and the oldest were pushing the youngest into the cabin thankfully before anyone had contact with the animal. Apparently the boars come down from the Rincons to scout for food at dusk.


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