Chelsea Handler – Huge Hillary Supporter – Tells Juanita Broaddrick That She Believes Clinton Raped Her
Last Saturday I was reading an article featuring Juanita Broaddrick. It was an in-depth profile about her life, her magnificent house and her keen investments. After a lifetime of hard [Read More]
Bannon Turns Down Lunch With Foreign Leader, Refused ‘To Breathe the Same Air as a Terrorist’
Western Journalism: Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon expressed his contempt Monday for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, recalling an incident during his time as White House chief strategist when [Read More]
Poker After Dark Host Leann Tweeden Accuses Al Franken of Sexual Assault
update- McConnell calls for ethics review of Al Franken. Poker After Dark doesn’t mean “poke her after dark” Al. Here’s Leann’s statement- As a TV host and sports broadcaster, as well [Read More]
Obama Rarely Prosecuted Criminals Who Sought To Buy Guns Illegally
Daily Caller: More than 100,000 convicted felons or other “prohibited persons” tried to buy guns each year during President Barack Obama’s administration by lying on their applications, but the Justice [Read More]
Al Franken Gets Schooled On How Federal Oil Leasing Works During A Hearing
This is a stupid, stupid man. DC: Senators had to explain to Democratic Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota the economics underlying federal oil and gas leasing during a hearing on [Read More]
Alabama Pastor Rips Republicans for Abandoning Roy Moore — ‘What a Bunch of Sissies’
Breitbart: An Alabama pastor is not pleased with the way some Republicans have publicly reacted to a Washington Post report published last week that accused Moore of engaging in inappropriate conduct with [Read More]
David Clarke Wants Media To Ask NAACP A Brilliant Question About Trump’s Rescue Of 3 College Students
WJ: Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke expressed his exasperation Wednesday, after repeated accusations from many African-American leaders claiming that President Donald Trump is racist. On Wednesday, three black UCLA [Read More]
Rand Paul Announces Plan for Obamacare and Dems Are Going to Hate It
WJ: Sen. Rand Paul plans to take a whack at taxes and Obamacare with an amendment he intends on introducing when the Senate takes up the issue of tax reform. “Today I [Read More]
New Mexico: Dem Congressional Candidate Revealed to Have History of Stalking Women
WJ: David Alcon, a Democrat candidate for Congress in New Mexico, has once again been arrested for allegedly stalking a woman. Police located Alcon — who is running to represent [Read More]
John Travolta Sexual Battery Allegations Resurface
WJ: As Hollywood continues to grapple with a growing list of sexual misconduct allegations, accusations against another well-known celebrity have resurfaced. Award-winning actor John Travolta faced sexual battery charges in 2000 when [Read More]
Media Shows the Devastating Effects of Shooting a Watermelon With an AR-15
I’m the most basic newbie when it comes to firearms, but even I spotted, right away, the ridiculousness being foisted on the public by #FakeNewsInc. Behold, the obliterating destructive power [Read More]
Another compelling Bad Brad video pick. Slaughterbots is short movie about surgical precision air strikes- drones that use facial recognition to take out whoever your enemy happens to be. Show [Read More]
The Cult of Liberalism in Action. You Must Conform!
Diogenes’ Middle Finger: No sooner had men’s magazine GQ disgraced itself with its choice of cover heroes again by naming the the left’s prince of grievance, Colon Kaepernick, “Citizen of the Year”, than [Read More]
Clinton Legacy Being Reshaped
The shape is that curved demon dick of his. Once we ask the question, poised by Jim Geraghty, the answer is obvious. Yes. Clinton influenced a generation of demon dicks [Read More]