IOTW Report – Page 5352

The Virginia governor race. It’s on!

Tuesday, 7 November 2017, 7:15 MJA 30

FOX: President Donald Trump has expressed his support for the Republican candidate for Virginia governor – and accused the Democratic candidate of “fighting for the violent MS-13” gang. Republican Ed [Read More]

THIS is speaking Truth to Power

Tuesday, 7 November 2017, 3:24 BFH 35

Well done, Kid. Well done. The Kid resists the motor-mouthed indoctrinator and teaches her a thing or two. This woman is more dangerous than the cops she fears.  

Gee… what to do? what to do?

Tuesday, 7 November 2017, 1:59 BFH 17

Lefty sites have almost exclusively rid their sites of the comment sections. (Or, they require a registration, which makes it simple to pull your ability to comment if you say [Read More]

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