IOTW Report – Page 5625

Will Theresa May be replaced?

Saturday, 10 June 2017, 4:00 MJA 12

 Theresa May took an enormous gamble calling a snap general election. The Heritage Foundation’s Nile Gardiner on the U.K. election and its impact on Brexit.  Video

This wasn’t what we wanted drained in DC

Saturday, 10 June 2017, 3:00 BFH 6

Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool will be drained Sunday to clean, treat parasite that's affecting duck population. — National Mall NPS (@NationalMallNPS) June 9, 2017 ht/ fdr in hell

What’s up with Comey?

Friday, 9 June 2017, 23:15 MJA 34

CNS: Comey: ‘I ‘Was Confused,’ ‘Stunned,’ Lacked ‘Presence of Mind’ as FBI Director. In Senate testimony Thursday, James Comey portrayed himself as someone who was “confused,” “stunned,” lacking “presence of [Read More]

CNN Cancels Aslan

Friday, 9 June 2017, 22:28 MJA 19

CNS: “America has sent an unmistakable message to CNN,” Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell declared after public outrage forced the network to fire “Believer” host Reza Aslan on [Read More]

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