Clinton-Connected Lobbying Firm Registers As Foreign Agent Of PRO-PUTIN Group
American Lookout: A lobbying firm run by the Podesta’s and closely tied with the Clinton’s has registered as a foreign agent to an organization that has close ties with Russian [Read More]
Because someone requested Sean Connery
More pictures, here Ah, but you have to be able to read Polish or whatever. [[Who cares?! Am I right, ladies?]]
Clinton Communications Director On Obama: ‘He Looked Kind Of Like A Jackass’
DC: Former Hillary Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri said former President Obama “looked kind of like a jackass” when he appeared on actor Zach Galifianakis’ web show “Between Two Ferns” [Read More]
Let’s Beat That Dead Horse a Little More – Another Take on the United Airlines Case
This guy asks, “how is this video any different than the viral videos we see of people not complying with the police and then ending up tasered, or worse?” Whether [Read More]
UK Lets Dangerous Pedophile Avoid Prison But Arrests Patriotic Citizens for Tweets
American Lookout: As the United Kingdom becomes more liberal people around the world are starting to watch the once proud society rot and decay. Enter the man pictured above… The Daily [Read More]
Maine Democrats Laugh About Rising Suicide Rates Among White Males
DailyCaller: Former Maine senatorial candidate Richard Fochtmann was filmed joking about rising suicide rates among white males at a recent event hosted by the Maine Democratic Party. The video [Read More]
In AMERICA: Doctor Charged With Female Genital Mutilation
American Lookout: One of the most hideous forms of Sharia law seems to have creeped its way into the American medical community in Detroit. A doctor there has been accused [Read More]
Maybe, they just don’t like you?
MOTUS A.D.: I recall once having lunch with a female colleague who was complaining vociferously for the millionth time about not advancing fast enough in the corporation. Her boss was [Read More]
Maybe This Will Help Convince the Hollywood Crowd Their Defense of the “Religion of Peace” is a Farce
Diogenes’ Middle Finger: While the Hollywood elite turn a blind eye to the throwing of gays off of buildings, genital mutilations, rape of children, blood lust, slavery, the oppression of [Read More]
I Bet That Didn’t Tickle
The internet got a case of the heebee-jeebees yesterday from a clip of a hairless Tickle Me Elmo that was “still alive.” The video originated from the Canadian Science [Read More]
It’s A Fairy Tale, Where No One Lives Happily or Ever After
Like some parody from The People’s Cube, MIT press has published “Communism for Kids” and you can order (or comment on) it on Amazon. More At Amazon I like how the author [Read More]
EPA launches new agenda in coal country
WaEx: Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt joined the coal industry in Pennsylvania Thursday to launch what he called the agency’s “Back-to-Basics” agenda, in which Washington gets out of the [Read More]
Barack Obama and Bill Cosby replaced in mural at well known DC diner
WaExam: One of the most well-known diners in Washington, D.C., Ben’s Chili Bowl, got a fresh paint job this week in its first follow-up to the mural that had for [Read More]
Officer Wins Gunfight After Being Shot
BlueLivesMatter: Leland, NC – On December 9th, 2016, Leland Police Officer Jacob Schwenk was suddenly shot 6 times by a DUI suspect. You can see in the video (below) that [Read More]