My husband would’ve died with Obamacare
WashingtonTimes- Here’s a story the liberals don’t want you to know — a real Jimmy Kimmel-type tearjerker, with a twist. In April of 2008, my husband, Doug, suffered a massive [Read More]
Harvard To Reintroduce Segregation To Its University
Daily Wire- In the name of progress, Harvard University will segregate graduation ceremonies based on race. For real. “Aside from studying and taking grueling tests, if you’re a minority, the [Read More]
Uh oh… No Bueno!
WaTimes: Donald Trump pinata lands Colorado Spanish teacher in hot water. A Colorado Spanish teacher has been placed on paid leave after allegedly letting students destroy a piñata with President Trump’s [Read More]
Even those still serving time can be found on Philadelphia’s voting rolls
WaTimes: In the City of Brotherly Love, you can retain your voter registration no matter what crime you commit. That’s because election officials refuse to take convicted felons off the [Read More]
“Never, never, NEVER give up!!” Except for you, Hillary
CFP: Compared To The Threat of A Hillary Clinton, The Russians Look Like Pussycats! A man banging on your door tells you your house is on fire. Right after that, [Read More]
Netanyahu tosses Hamas policy paper on Israel into trash can
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday symbolically tossed into a bin a Hamas policy paper published last week that set out an apparent softening of the [Read More]
Germany: Migrant ‘hurled a woman through a window because she refused to have sex with him’
Geller Report: This migrant not only threw a woman out of the woman because she refused him sex, he also is being investigated for harassing another woman and sexually assaulted [Read More]
Somebody Pinch C. Steven Tucker
First “Buzzfeed” publishes an accurate piece dispelling the ridiculous lies from the Left about the American Health Care Act and now the New York Slimes publishes a piece with the following words “The [Read More]
Former Obama DHS Official On ISIS Slaughtering Egyptian Christians: ‘What Goes Around, Comes Around
Daily Caller: A former Obama administration official at the Department of Homeland Security said Sunday that when it comes to the Islamic State slaughtering Egyptian Christians, “what goes around, [Read More]
ISIS widow now on a high-priority terrorist ‘kill list’
NY Post: A British punk rocker-turned-jihadi bride is quickly moving up the charts — of the Pentagon’s terrorist kill list, according to a report. Sally Jones has recently become a [Read More]
Kellyanne on Judge Pirro’s show
Kellyanne Conway joined Judge Jeanine last night and it was just the tonic I needed. Personally, I hope that Hillary Clinton won’t go away if for no other reason [Read More]
Seattle’s mayor tried to fight white privilege with a soda tax
RAP: In an effort to woo the extreme-left, Seattle’s Mayor Ed Murray is planning a soda tax to fight white privilege. The original soda tax plan was a two-cents-an-ounce tax on [Read More]
Head of ISIS in Afghanistan Confirmed Dead
Conservative Treehouse: (Via Reuters) The head of Islamic State in Afghanistan, Abdul Hasib, was killed in an operation on April 27 conducted jointly by Afghan and U.S. Special Forces [Read More]