What the hell did I just watch??
Is my temperature 106*? Because I’m having weird delusions.
Caption Contest Winners
GUESS WHAT? We’ve decided to give a magnet to the runners up as well. Congratulations to all 3, and a hearty thank you to our host for this contest, and [Read More]
Transgendered Eric Holder vows to prosecute ‘anti-Muslim’ speech
WND- Lynch, speaking at a dinner held by the Muslim Advocates, a national legal advocacy group, announced Thursday night the Justice Department will investigate the police department in Texas that arrested a 14-year-old Muslim [Read More]
San Bernardino: Female Attacker Pledged Allegiance to Islamic State, Al Qaeda Links Emerge
Oh that’s silly! It’s totally not terror-related and we have no proof. Obama said so! It’s because of climate change, stupids! She was just chafed from the all that dryness and [Read More]
CA Gov. Abandons Rooftop Solar, Favors Big Utilities
WUWT: California has stunned green advocates, by excluding rooftop solar from their renewable energy mandate. According to the LA Times;
It’s Time To End The Visa Waiver Program
DailyCaller: On November 30, 2015 in response to the ever increasing threats to the United States posed by terrorists, the White House posted a document on its official website, “FACT [Read More]
Republicans fast-track Obamacare repeal to president’s desk
“What we are doing is listening to our constituents, who’ve told us that they’ve had one bad experience after another with Obamacare,” Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, Texas Republican, said. [Read More]
Some Mass Shootings Are More Useful Than Others
It’s hard to predict which shootings will get front page news and which ones won’t… or is it? Ann Coulter Here at home, an Oregon Community College was shot up [Read More]
Precious Erdogan
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — A Turkish court overseeing the case of a doctor accused of insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ruled that a committee of experts should assess whether [Read More]
Shill Nye The Science Guy Says Global Warming Causes Terrorism
Yes, the Farooks are just overzealous environmentalists, fundamentalist environmentalists, if you will. As idiotic as you think this is, our current president is parroting the same talking points as this moron. By [Read More]
Christie hopes nation will ‘sober’ up, bring back NSA phone snooping
WaTimes: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday that the ongoing conversation on the balance between civil liberties and homeland security is a “false debate,” saying hopefully that the country [Read More]
The Pentagon opens all direct land combat jobs to women
WaTimes– The Pentagon’s revolutionary move to open all direct land combat jobs to women sends a stressed and shrinking armed forces on a politically hazardous mission, as Obama administration appointees [Read More]
Sen. Rand Paul responds to the ‘God won’t fix this’ prayer shamers
“For people to be snide, snotty, and arrogant about the fact that they believe prayer doesn’t influence our lives, I’m offended by it, and quite frankly, shocked by that kind [Read More]