“Feminist” Makes Sourdough Bread Using Her Yeast Infection as an Ingredient
I can’t believe some of the things I have to write in order to illustrate the mental illness of the left. I’m not making this up. Click read more to [Read More]
I can’t believe some of the things I have to write in order to illustrate the mental illness of the left. I’m not making this up. Click read more to [Read More]
Now that is a set of truck nuts (and I don’t mean crazy.) Joe 6 Pak will report back the reactions he gets while tooling around town with his new [Read More]
Damon Williams, the co-host of Air Go Radio and a Black Lives Matters protester, threatened to beat up a journalist who was reporting the truth about protests in Chicago. Williams [Read More]
FrontPage: Hello progressives, This morning you’re probably wondering why there’s something about Turkey shooting down a Russian plane in the news. Why is this story taking up valuable space in [Read More]
FrontPage: We wrote about Bahar Mustafa before when the “diversity officer” from UK’s Goldsmiths tweeted #KillAllWhiteMen.
There is nothing like a thick juicy steak, but if Chatham House, a London based think tank gets it way the Paris climate change conference next week will recommend member [Read More]
RedAlertPolitics: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is gloating that his son is earning his social justice warrior credentials by protesting charges of racism at Yale University.
Hannity: Ever since the attacks on Paris, the western world has been alight with debate over the most effect way to combat the scourge of terrorism. Some have suggested redoubling [Read More]
TheNewAmerican: Speaking on the Senate floor on November 19, Senator Jeff Sessions [R-Ala] strongly condemned President Obama’s request for funding for refugee resettlement, basing his opposition on both economic and [Read More]
Conservative Papers: Fears that Islamic terror groups might be entering Europe on migrant boats appear to have been confirmed after police in Sicily identified a convicted terrorist among asylum seekers [Read More]
LonelyConservative: Unacceptable doesn’t begin to describe this. Despicable comes to mind, as does un-freaking-believable. Two officials at the Department of Veterans Affairs who allegedly defrauded the agency of $400,000 will [Read More]
The sickening moment New York postal worker is ‘caught on camera spitting on two Muslim mothers in hijabs, calling them terrorists before threatening to burn down their temple’ Click read [Read More]
Sweden needs “respite” from the tens of thousands of refugees knocking at its door, the government has said, announcing tough measures to deter asylum seekers in a sharp reversal of [Read More]
DM At least 12 people are dead after an explosion tore through a bus full of Tunisian presidential guards today in a suspected suicide bomb attack in the country’s capital. [Read More]
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