Pentagon transfers five Gitmo detainees to UAE/ Another 5 to Kazakhstan
Update: BREAKING: Obama releases five more Gitmo prisoners overnight! h/t MarkMac.
Update: BREAKING: Obama releases five more Gitmo prisoners overnight! h/t MarkMac.
You know, there is a way to guarantee the kids won’t be white, but I guess she’s racist against blacks too. Another thing. Why does she capitalize whiteness? iOTW’s Aurelius [Read More]
There was a black guy shot by police in Minneapolis. His name is Jamar Clark. Police were responding to a domestic dispute. Clark’s girlfriend was being carried into an EMT [Read More]
Professor Melissa Click totally looks like Margaret from Dennis the Menace. Hat Tip Media Bladders
See after the jump –
I was just playing poker online and a guy showed up with the Eiffel Tower Peace Sign as his avatar. I couldn’t help chatting. I asked, “uhhh, Mugambo, how is [Read More]
This was maybe almost a half-decade ago. I have to say, I do see political movement, ever so slightly, in the direction of Andrew Klavan’s common sense. It’s almost imperceptible, [Read More]
One of the 7 terrorists that attacked Paris has been connected with the influx of Syrian refugees. Simple math shows that of 129 dead each terrorist represents 18 victims. If [Read More]
Chants of “Death to America” by Muslims, warnings of the coming caliphate, and celebration of Islamic massacres is very common on social media. The commenters never seem to lose their accounts. [Read More]
ht/ pt
HT/ Bitterclinger
This wasn’t meant as an experiment, but that’s exactly how you can look at it. Politicians and SJWs say that all you have to do is raise taxes and fund [Read More]
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