IOTW Report – Page 7216

Gay Blood Drive Day

Friday, 1 August 2014, 20:00 BFH 0

Did you know there is a movement to force the FDA to lift its ban against gay men donating blood? There was a national gay blood drive day this year (July [Read More]

Mich: Junk Food Changed My Blood

Friday, 1 August 2014, 17:45 BFH 0

WNB WASHINGTON (WNB) – Michelle Obama on Wednesday confided that her blood has become chemically altered. Although descended from generations of Americans, the First Lady told a group of young [Read More]

How To Commit Terror – 101

Friday, 1 August 2014, 16:18 BFH 0

IDF forces found pamphlets, published by Hamas, teaching Palestinians how to kill Israelis in unconventional fashion. Free Beacon- The terror group’s goal is to encourage the citizens of Gaza to [Read More]

Who’s Dumber, Geraldo or Russell Brand?

Friday, 1 August 2014, 16:09 BFH 0

bumped: Hoft re-uploaded the video. It’s a toss up, but I say Geraldo. Comment on Brand’s video- (That is Russell Brand’s avatar.) jfree1998 – Forgot I was talking to idiots who wear [Read More]

Delauro Wants a National Sweet Tax

Friday, 1 August 2014, 16:03 BFH 0

She wants to raise revenue by taxing drinks with sugar. Free Beacon- DeLauro introduced the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax Act, also known as the “SWEET Act,” on Wednesday, which would impose a [Read More]

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