National Swimmer’s Day
In tribute to the ultimate scumbag, Ted Kennedy, who abandoned a woman submerged in his car. Ted drove into a pond 46 years ago today because he was evading a police officer. Ted was [Read More]
First Pot Ad To Air on Television Monday
That ad will immediately be followed by ads for Famous Amos Cookies, Funyons, Pringles, Popeye’s Chicken and Ben and Jerry’s. (NEWSER) – People in Denver settling in to watch Jimmy Kimmel’s [Read More]
If Trump Promises To Become POTUS (Prosecutor of the United States) I Will Vote For Him
I’m bumping this essay by my friend Wayne Allyn Root and I’m including a talk I had with him (part2) about 2 years ago where we discuss Obama being the Manchurian [Read More]
This Comedy Video Is Nothing to Laugh About
This is, technically, comedy, but I can’t laugh at this 7 year-old comedy bit. Because they are so tone deaf about Islam, because they run cover for Islam, because they try to shame [Read More]
As Donald Trump continues to rise in Republican presidential primary polls, The Huffington Post announced today that it will suddenly cease coverage of Trump’s campaign as part of its politics coverage. More [Read More]
A 4-Year-Old-Cancer Patient “Marries” Her Favorite Nurse
Bittersweet. I was smiling, but also left hoping that the young lady gets to experience a real wedding ceremony one day.
Gov. Moonbeam Opposes CA Minimum Wage Hike
CA Political Review- Opening another fissure with members of his own party, Gov. Jerry Brown has come down on the opposite side of a proposed statewide increase in the minimum wage.
Hillary Forbids Young Supporters from Talking to Press
‘This raises some warning flags for Hillary Clinton campaign that is trying to control their supporters.’
Get Ready For This One – “Mr. President, on behalf of an ungrateful nation, thank you.”
The author’s name is Dick Meyer. I think he spelled Dick Admirer wrong. illustr8r sent this in. ABC. – I’ve never written a column like this. Readers rarely believe it, [Read More]
Obama Freed Top Iranian Scientist as Part of Nuke Deal
TheMinorityReport- Mojtaba Atarodi, arrested in California for attempting to acquire equipment for Iran’s military-nuclear programs, was released in April as part of back channel talks, Times of Israel told. The [Read More]
Obama’s getting to the bottom of prison life
Hope n Change- On Thursday, Barack Obama made an historic visit to the El Reno (Spanish for “Big Janet”) prison in Oklahoma as a followup to his recent speech to [Read More]
It Was Inevitable That The Stupid Trump Would Emerge
I don’t like John McCain. I think the guy needs to retire to the Jello factory. Having said that, Trump went too far with this stupid remark. Of McCain, Trump [Read More]