IOTW Report – Page 7496

Big Dawg Conservatism

Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 14:12 BFH 0

By Chip Murray The CPAC “Conservatives” will gather in Washington this week. The official schedule of events opens with Ted Cruz on Thursday and closes with Sarah Palin on Saturday. [Read More]

I fixed a Salon Article

Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 13:57 BFH 0

Edwin Lyngar wrote a ridiculously partisan article for Salon masquerading as insight. The poor hunchback can’t see his own hunch. Here’s my fix. The link goes to the original. Salon [Read More]

Kerry Lowers The Boom On Putin

Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 12:30 BFH 0

WNB WASHINGTON (WNB) – Sec. of State John Kerry finally answered critics on Monday by outlining retaliatory steps the administration is threatening to take against Russia. The statement is the [Read More]

Murderous Lying Liars

Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 10:31 BFH 0

Wish you had that $1.9 trillion back? by Kevin McCullough, OneNewsNow In the past four years, you and I gave Planned Parenthood $1,900,000,000. Good thing the economy, job situation, and [Read More]

Don’t Stand So Close To Me

Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 10:29 BFH 0

Michael Luecke, a substitute teacher in Stamford, CT, is going to have to find a new occupation. Read the story here  

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