Paglia: ‘In her struggles to stay relevant, Madonna has debased herself with adolescent, pitifully inept Instagrams’ – IOTW Report

Paglia: ‘In her struggles to stay relevant, Madonna has debased herself with adolescent, pitifully inept Instagrams’



‘It is truly tragic to see Madonna descend into embarrassing displays of maudlin self-pity and irrational accusations against others,’ Camille added. ‘She is turning into a horrifying combination of delusional, vampiric Norma Desmond and bitter Joan Crawford on the bottle.’

In her speech, Madonna also spoke about ageism, explaining that for women, ‘to age is a sin’ and they will be criticized, but Camille stated that the singer’s ‘number one issue’ on her path of self-destruction is her ’embarrassing inability to deal with aging’.

Camille noted that while Madonna’s role model, Marlene Dietrich, retained her class and style until her death, the singer is making a fool of herself ‘with vulgar displays while trying to remain youthful.


SNIP: Just wanted to warn you. There are photos…

19 Comments on Paglia: ‘In her struggles to stay relevant, Madonna has debased herself with adolescent, pitifully inept Instagrams’

  1. I thought Madonna was too busy giving blow jobs to dumbshits who voted for Hillary to be making ignorant statements to the press. Advise to Madonna; Suck baby, suck, blow is just a figure of speech.

  2. Madge has moved to the realm of insignificance. It is always so hard to accept, but hey, when you age, as we all do, and struggle to be something 40 yrs younger, what do you expect? Want to look like those creepy women with the botox lips, saggy bewbs, saggy buttcheeks, wrinkled faces, kind of like Pelosi? Then knock yourself out, and enjoy the ride to the bottom! Just don’t bore us with your descent. NEXT!

  3. I believe she is mentally ill. Everyone ages. I wouldn’t mind being younger, but in a second thought, not in today’s Mad, Mad World. I don’t want to see anyone’s butt in public, it’s pathetic. All she is is an attention grabbing old bag, desperate to draw attention to herself.

  4. She’s blaming her ex for “turning her son against her.” Maybe she should stop offering blow jobs on international media. Can you imagine if your mother did that? Any kid would be mortified.

  5. Sounds like her drunken homeless brother is missing again somewhere around Detroit, its sets her off on a psychotic trip until they find him and as usual he say’s he hates her guts.

  6. “Madonna is one of the most creative and influential women artists of the modern era. She transformed music and dance and produced stunning videos that were among the major works of art of the late twentieth century. She single-handedly broke the power of the Stalinist puritans of old-guard feminism and was instrumental in the triumph of pro-sex feminism in the 1990s.”

    It’s a statistically irrelevant cohort who would believe this and most of them probably have had to deal with septal perforation a time or two.

  7. “Madonna is one of the most creative and influential women artists of the modern era. She transformed music and dance …”

    WHERE do I place the spit take?!
    She was a lipsyncher who was willing to strip naked, often. period.
    Artist?! “Like A Virgin” influenced preteen girls of the day, and may have enabled the Rapist President to add fellatio to the everyday lexicon.
    Did I mention Bill Clinton is a RAPIST?

  8. Bongopoofter,
    Why yes … yes she is.
    A talentless slut who rose to fame through poor singing and depraved sex.
    She has amassed millions – hundreds of millions – through her slutco corporation.
    Apparently, she embodies the old adage “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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