Pakistan Authorities Stand By Child Marriage, Declare Age Requirements ‘Un-Islamic’ – IOTW Report

Pakistan Authorities Stand By Child Marriage, Declare Age Requirements ‘Un-Islamic’


MILO: Early pregnancy is the leading cause of death for girls under 18 in developing nations. One Pakistani politician sought to change that.

But the Child Marriage Restraint Bill was rejected after the lawmaker driving the proposal, Senator Sehar Kamran, had her deferment request denied.

Leading the charge against the bill, chairman of the Senate Standing Committee, Rehman Malik, cited advice from religious scholars who claimed, “girls can be married before the age of 18 according to Islam.” MORE

5 Comments on Pakistan Authorities Stand By Child Marriage, Declare Age Requirements ‘Un-Islamic’

  1. I don’t care what Pakistanis do in Pakistan, and neither does the world.
    What I do care about are the free flow of non-vetted muslim immigrants bringing their institutions, traditions and perversions to the US and have no desire to live as Americans.

    They bring female mutilation, child marriage, wife beating, honor killings, domestic terrorism and spreading their repressive, subjugating, murderous, so called, religion to neighborhoods near us all.

    No it’s not just Pakistan, it’s the entire middle east and African nations who dump this islamic scourge on our shores. Have we not learned anything from what is happening in Europe?

  2. But if you marry them off before eighteen, there won’t be enough time to memorize all the holy writs of Womyns’ Studies, memorize A-Billion-and-One (the third edition of A-Thousand-and-One) Ways Things With Rape Weapons Are Preventing Universal Communist Utopia, buy a STEM title, put on another ten stone, AND master the martial art of being fiercely nyaasty crushing your enemies while wearing a pussy hat.

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