Pakistan: Christian girl set on fire for turning down Muslim man’s marriage proposal – IOTW Report

Pakistan: Christian girl set on fire for turning down Muslim man’s marriage proposal

Geller Report:  In the West, the left and the feminists stand firmly with Islam.

Christian girl set alight for turning down Muslim man’s marriage proposal.

Pakistan Today, April 20, 2018 (thanks to Orange Martyrs):

–Sialkot’s Rizwan Gujjar torched Asma using petrol after she refused to renounce her faith and marry him

LAHORE: A Christian girl was set ablaze by a Muslim man in Sialkot for “refusing to renounce her faith and marry him”, Pakistan Today has learnt.

According to the girl’s father Yaqoob Masih, his 25-year-old daughter Asma used to work as a domestic help at the house of Saeeduz Zaman in Mohalla Pakpura area in Sialkot.

“On April 17, my son Maqsood and I went to Zaman’s house around to meet Asma and to inquire after the health of Zaman’s mother. We were sitting in a room when there was a knock on the front gate. Asma went out to see who had come when after some time we heard her screaming in pain. Zaman, Maqsood and I rushed outside to see what had happened and saw the accused Rizwan Gujjar fleeing from the scene while Asma was engulfed in flames,” Masih claimed in the FIR [First Information Report] registered with Sialkot’s Civil Lines Police. more here. MORE

17 Comments on Pakistan: Christian girl set on fire for turning down Muslim man’s marriage proposal

  1. Lefties apparently tolerate and explain away this crap because “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” – a platitude that gave us Stalin and other genocidal maniacs throughout the world. Except followers of Islam will never, ever, ever really be their friend. Islam is not tolerant. Islam is not gay friendly. Islam will argue with today’s feminists by removing their heads. If Islam ever became dominate in this country, its adherents will track down and eliminate leftists where ever they can be found.

    As amusing at it may be to see Jimmy Kimmel caned to a bloody pulp or just Stephen Colbert’s severed head hosting his show, there is very little in Islam that would appeal to or even tolerate leftists – much less ordinary Americans. And while Muslims may consider Christians to be second class citizens or less, atheists are nothing.

  2. Hey Islam, get your religious hillbillies under control
    Getting real tired of your shit.
    I am for shunning these people.
    Unless they publicly denounce a lot of stuff in their book, I got no tolerance.
    Self preservation and all that

  3. make love to animals
    beat women
    make love to small boys & girls
    throw acid
    light people on fire
    What’s not to like about these demonic savages ???

  4. religion of peace……and all that……

    nuke mecca……hang every remaining moozzelman/woman who will not convert…..give them a taste of their own “medicine”……

  5. The leftists would still side with the muzzie. After all, she had Christian privilege, and how DARE she reject him. Besides, all Christians are expendable to them anyway.


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