Pakistani Imam Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison over Fatwa Against Populist Leader Geert Wilders – IOTW Report

Pakistani Imam Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison over Fatwa Against Populist Leader Geert Wilders


In a landmark case, the Netherlands has sentenced two Pakistanis to prison for calling on their followers to murder Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders.

The court in The Hague sentenced 56-year-old Imam Muhammad Ashraf Asif Jalali to 14 years in prison over his issuing of a fatwa death warrant on the head of Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders, who now serves as the main power broker behind the Dutch government, for his role in promoting cartoon contests featuring caricatures of Mohammed.

The court found that Jalali had issued demands for the killing of the populist politician in the English language to increase the chances of the fatwa being taken up by an international audience. It ruled that the calls were made with terrorist intent and that it is likely that Jilali’s followers took the demands seriously, Dutch broadcaster NOS reports.

3 Comments on Pakistani Imam Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison over Fatwa Against Populist Leader Geert Wilders

  1. Times will change, we must drive the change to happen faster. It’s important as the savages are quickly destroying an irreplaceable civilization and replacing it with what amounts to a world wide shithole that is apparently all they are capable of maintaining.


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