Palestinian asks IDF soldier to shoot him to collect Hamas bounty – IOTW Report

Palestinian asks IDF soldier to shoot him to collect Hamas bounty

American Thinker- Now, here’s a Palestinian with get up and go, along with a healthy dose of moxie.

A Gazan walked up to some IDF soldiers and ask them to shoot him so he could collect the stipend handed out by Hamas.

Israel Today:

Mustafa Bana was among the thousands of Gazans who violently rioted along Gaza’s security fence last month.

Toward the end of April, Bana entered the closed military zone adjacent to the fence and called out to the Israelis to shoot him.  Instead, the soldiers fired in the air and demanded he back away from the fence.  Ynet reports that a Hamas force also showed up and called on Bana to return to Gaza.  He refused.

Bana was told by the Israelis that he could come through the fence, but that he’d be arrested and tried for terrorist activity if he did.  Bana agreed, and is now on trial in Beersheva.

During his interrogation, it was revealed that Bana wanted the soldiers to shoot him so that Hamas would pay him $500 and a monthly stipend, a common reward for those injured while violently confronting Israel.  more here

11 Comments on Palestinian asks IDF soldier to shoot him to collect Hamas bounty

  1. Well! In the words of Bob…….” Just another fuking, mother fuk who wishes to get paid for nothing!!!! Except the whole getting shot thing.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. They’ve been paying terrorists and families of terrorists for far too many years.
    Saddam Hussein was writing the checks while he was in power, which is one more reason I supported the war in Iraq.
    Take out those who fund terrorism (and fund their surviving families) and watch how many volunteers show up for their “spontaneous” riots.

  3. IDF: “where to shoot? where to shoot? heart? gotta prove he has one. brains? ditto. balls? THAT’S IT! Right between the legs. Even if he doesn’t bleed out, he won’t be able to breed, gotta start cleaning out the gene pool sometime.”


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