Palestinian Whose Life Was Threatened for Saving Jewish Kids After Terror Attack Gets Israeli Residency – IOTW Report

Palestinian Whose Life Was Threatened for Saving Jewish Kids After Terror Attack Gets Israeli Residency


TEL AVIV – A Palestinian man who received death threats because he saved the children of a West Bank rabbi after the latter had been killed in a terror attack was awarded Israeli residency Tuesday. 

In July 2016, the man happened on the scene of a shooting attack in which Rabbi Miki Mark was killed. His wife, Chava, was seriously injured and fell unconscious. Rabbi Mark bled to death in front of his 14-year-old daughter and 15-year-old son, who were also injured. The Palestinian and his own wife helped the wife and children out of the overturned car and administered first aid until an ambulance arrived at the scene.

“I saw two children inside screaming and asking me to help them. I put out my hand and for two minutes, I tried to open the door to get to the children who were suffocating in the car. I think that if they stayed there a little while longer, those children would have suffocated in the car,” the Palestinian rescuer said at the time.

“Out of the shock she felt, the young daughter spontaneously grabbed me and jumped onto me. I immediately put my hand on her head and spoke to her in Hebrew, of course. I told her, ‘Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I will help you. Don’t worry.’ I did what I did out of humanity. These are children. There were children inside. There were people inside. I didn’t hesitate at all.”more .

5 Comments on Palestinian Whose Life Was Threatened for Saving Jewish Kids After Terror Attack Gets Israeli Residency

  1. Just wow. That this man was fired from his job for saving Jews is so simply plain in what it states: pure hatred and deadly bigotry. That any person can be penalized by the state for saving another human being tells you everything you need to know about that government. Under the PA there is no peace wanted, only the destruction of another group of people, what liberals here claim to be against. The lies and the filth of this situation, how it carries on and over into so much elsewhere, it is grievous.

    I bet Farfour-loving American liberals are really proud of their PA overlords.

    I’m simultaneously heartened by this man’s selfless act and absolutely DISGUSTED by the sheer, naked hatred he had to face.

  2. Years ago when it wasn’t as bad (?) there was a documentary with two kids (one from either side) who played together and got along exceptionally well. It ended with both admitting that when they got older or grew up they would have to hate each other and try to kill those of the other side.


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