Palestinians Are Arresting, Torturing Journalists – IOTW Report

Palestinians Are Arresting, Torturing Journalists

Gatestone institute: The Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank is continuing its unremitting security crackdown on Palestinian journalists, particularly on those who are not affiliated with Mahmoud Abbas’s ruling Fatah faction. Scores of journalists have been arrested or summoned by the PA in the West Bank on a regular basis in the past few years. In the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, Palestinian journalists are facing a similar campaign of intimidation and harassment.

In the past few days, another two journalists, Hazem Nasser and Amer Abu Arafeh, were arrested by the PA security forces — and not for the first time. Nasser, who is from the city of Tulkarem, and Abu Arafeh, who is from Hebron, have, in fact, become “frequent visitors” of PA detention centers and interrogation rooms.

The incarceration of Nasser and Abu Arafeh brings to 16 the number of Palestinian journalists who have been arrested or summoned for interrogation by the PA security forces in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip just since the beginning of this year.

The Palestinian Committee for Supporting Journalists (PCSJ) has condemned the continued harsh treatment of its colleagues. The journalists were targeted because of their profession and political views, the committee said. It accused the PA and Hamas of waging a campaign of intimidation and harassment against Palestinian journalists by arresting them, summoning them for interrogation, raiding their homes and confiscating their computers and mobile phones.  more here

9 Comments on Palestinians Are Arresting, Torturing Journalists

  1. “Palestinians Are Arresting, Torturing Journalists”

    …well, thank God SOMEONE is!!!

    …hmm, maybe Jim Acosta can cover this for CNN? He might find some Trump/Russia collusion, but only IF he takes Don Lemon with him…

  2. The journalists are incredibly stupid. (There was even a recent study showing they had a lower I.Q. than most folks). They want to install a system that invariably leads to totalitarianism. The tyrants eventually start imprisoning journalists. Way to hasten your own death news-boys!


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