Palin v. New York Times – IOTW Report

Palin v. New York Times

PJM: Apologize to Sarah Palin? The lefties on the editorial board would rather sit down to a meal of rusty nails and lizard intestines, hosted by Satan, than apologize to Palin.   

16 Comments on Palin v. New York Times

  1. I should think her chances of success are at least 50-50. Since the criteria for defamation is malicious intent, it should be fairly easy for her to prove a pattern of vicious attacks on her character by the NYT, including their non apology.

  2. You go girl.

    My wonderful wife has always hated Palin.
    She freely admits it’s some female visceral irrational thing that dates back to High School, and Palin reminds her of some long ago cheerleader Popular Mean Girl she knew.
    But even my wife is cheering Sarah to bankrupt the NYT, good and hard.

  3. She has to get the right Judge and in that town it could be a bit iffy and that goes as well for a jury should she decide to go that way. Having said that I’m sure there are a lot of law firms that would love to see the NYT “The Gray Lady” brought down quite a few notches as well as see Punch blown out of the editors seat who’d be willing to give pro bonon advice to Palin’s law firm. The actual damages may not be that great however she should make a run for a billion dollars in punative damages to ensure the NYT doesn’t act as recklessly to others in the future and with the right Judge and Jury she could get it. Remember, if they lose and appeal they still have to come up with a billion (or whatever the damages are) to put into escrow while the appeal goes through. As well they have to pay interest on it. Oh, it would be so fine to see all of the NYT lies, half-truths they presented as truths, character attacks etc etc etc all trotted out to show prior bad behaviour as well as demonstrating a need for a very hefty punative damage award. The funny thing is that if Palin won and won big she could get together with a few other conservatives and buy the paper even though that Carlos “Obama Phone” Slim owns about 20% of the common stock.

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