Palin’s PAC burning through cash – IOTW Report

Palin’s PAC burning through cash


Alaskan spending money on self, not conservative candidates.

sarah pac

[…] During 2015, SarahPAC expenditures ($1.4 million) outpaced income (about $950,000), federal records show. This, from a former politician who markets her “fiscal responsibility” bona fides and once urged lawmakers to “cut spending — don’t just simply slow down a spending spree” as an elixir to the Great Recession.  

By another measure: the $457,459 SarahPAC reported raising from July 1 through Dec. 1 represents its smallest half-year haul since its formation in early 2009.

Meanwhile, conservative politicians’ campaigns didn’t receive a dime of SarahPAC’s heavy spending during the second half of 2015. Only a handful of lawmakers directly received cash during the first half of 2015.


11 Comments on Palin’s PAC burning through cash

  1. The fork has been inserted, and the hot air is seeping out of the Palin balloon. She will be on the shopping network selling trinkets and facial creams distilled from bear urine before too much longer.

  2. Less than $50,000 on “travel, lodging and related services” doesn’t seem excessive to me, but I don’t donate to SarahPAC, so I prolly shouldn’t get in too high a dudgeon over this.

  3. There was a story out about a year ago on how SarahPac was pouring 90% of donations into salaries/expenses and next to nothing to candidates. I took it with a grain of salt considering all the MSM hate there was/is for her.

    But I also noticed from the get-go that the “vetting” of her pac candidates was done by attorneys and the majority of those elected were duds. (Renee “Nurse” Ellmers, I’m lookin’ at you and your ilk.) I understand you can’t predict what these people are going to be like once they get elected, but the entire bunch her pac “vetted” were utter disappointments.

    That said, she left the state of Alaska in outstanding shape, millions to the good, and increased the state’s bond rating while she was at the helm.

    Someone else who bears watching is Jenny Beth Martin of TEA Party Patriots. There’s the story of her and her husband starting the group from nothing at their kitchen table in GA. She now pays herself a VERY hefty salary with little to show for it. I caught a lot of hate when I pointed this out on another conservative site, urging direct support of candidates rather than TPP, but facts are stubborn things.

  4. This election cycle has shown that the GOPe has many branches, not all of which are aligned with Rinse and the RNC or with each other–but the only uniting factor is $$$$$ and the pursuit thereof.

  5. I’d have a closer look if I were you at the site that published this story. the Public Integrity site seems to be a little more about nasty pieces on conservatives and at first blush the list of site supporters (at least the ones that are published) looks like a list of PBS or NPR donators (I know, the Koch brothers sponsor shows there as well). Not saying the story does not have merit or some truth but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out it’s bent through cherry picking of facts and bias writing to make it seem worse then it is. A little surprised also at some of the comments being made and the tone that they’re being made in. Sounds more like liberals or progressives taking the opportunity to take a few shots.

  6. Who do Sarah and Todd think they are, Hillary and Bill? Leave the corruption to the professionals, Sarah, you are not very good at it, and you have a hostile press. And when you get caught, there are no sympathetic judges.

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