Panama’s President at U.N.: U.S.-Bound Migrants Leaving Trail of ‘Decomposing Corpses’ in My Country – IOTW Report

Panama’s President at U.N.: U.S.-Bound Migrants Leaving Trail of ‘Decomposing Corpses’ in My Country


President of Panama José Raúl Mulino declared U.S.-bound migrants passing through his country an “immense global problem” at the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, urging the international community to help.

Mulino, who took office in July, dedicated much of his address to the Darién Gap, a dangerous jungle trail that Panama shares with neighboring Colombia, used by hundreds of thousands of migrants in recent years to reach the United States. The Darién jungle is the only land bridge that connects South and Central America.

The Panamanian president declared that, as a result of the Darién migrant flow, the “new United States border” is in Panama. Mulino also proclaimed that, unlike previous administrations, he will use any international venue to demand a “shared effort” to stop illegal migration and fight organized crime that profits from migrants through human and drug trafficking. read more

7 Comments on Panama’s President at U.N.: U.S.-Bound Migrants Leaving Trail of ‘Decomposing Corpses’ in My Country

  1. So? And? If they’re crossing through your south border as illegally as they’re crossing through the Mexico/US border, what are you doing (if anything) to stop the flow? Get your military to the border and coastlines. Stop the illegals. Sink the NGO ships. Arrest the NGO leaders and workers. Shoot the busses. Seize the caches of supplies that the NGOs have placed along the path. Bring every tool available to you to bear, up to, and including deadly force. Do you not love your own country? Don’t depend on other countries. Most of them are wussified by Soros’ WEF. The only one I can think of that ISN’T wussified is Russia, and they have their own problems right now.

  2. I see the pictures and the videos of all the illegals crossing the border wearing nice clothes new shoes with backpacks full of essentials while talking on their cell phones. And I’m supposed to believe that they walked all the way from South America?


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