Papa John’s Surrender To The Left This Week – IOTW Report

Papa John’s Surrender To The Left This Week


A business owner expressing concern that left-wing activism hurts the company’s earnings is apparently a grave offense nowadays.

Papa John’s issued a lame apology Tuesday after the pizza chain was criticized for its CEO, John Schnatter, claiming the NFL national anthem protests were hurting his company’s sales. Papa John’s is a major sponsor of the football league, and that designation has come with consequences.

“The NFL has hurt us,” Schnatter said during an earnings call earlier this month. “We are disappointed the NFL and its leadership did not resolve this. Leadership starts at the top, and this is an example of poor leadership.”

That simple assertion drew intense criticism from left-wing media outlets and activists.

The outrage even led to Papa John’s earning the dubious distinction as the “official pizza of the alt-right” from neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer.

In one of the most 2017 moments ever to occur, Papa John’s had to release a statement saying it did not want to be the pizza for Nazis.

The pizza company decided to take back its CEO’s criticism of the NFL Tuesday night in a cringey series of tweets that left the impression that Papa John now supports the national anthem protests.

“The statements made on our earnings call were describing the factors that impact our business and we sincerely apologize to anyone that thought they were divisive,” the pizza chain began. “That definitely was not our intention.  read more

SNIP: That’s why I always wait a month before I join in any ‘buycot’ of any brand. Because 95% of the time, they tuck their tails and apologize. I can only think of 2 brands who stood up for themselves and didn’t back down. Chik-fil-a and Hobby Lobby.

23 Comments on Papa John’s Surrender To The Left This Week

  1. Businesses create Social Media operations. Staff them with 24 year old girls.
    Give them an unsupervised 24/7 platform to usurp corporate decision making and say whatever stupid unsupervised unedited BS pops into their Millenial HuffPo pea brains.

    Businesses should Stop Tweeting. Just stop.

  2. Mega pizza franchises suck. The only time their pizza is halfway decent is the first week or 2 of a new franchise opening somewhere. They have people who are somewhat professional making the pizzas, adding certain ingredients to make them much tastier. Once the public starts going to them after word of mouth etc., the pros go on to a new franchise opening elsewhere and they are replaced by Jose and Hose B. who don’t know shit about pizza, or sanitation.

  3. Papa John should have kept his mouth shut and just pulled his advertising off the NFL networks, but no, he just had to opine. now his business has and will continue to suffer revenue declines. if you are in business keep your damn mouth shut and sell the damn product.

  4. How can we Make America Great Again when we have spineless business owners? Do they actually think twitter whiners (many of which are faked) represent the majority of Americans?

    We need a ‘Black Rifle’ pizza company.

  5. Do we really need this many pizza chains?
    Papa Johns just wanted to disappear. Good job. Buh bye.

    Same with the NFL. Buh bye. Enjoy your new fans in London and Meheeco.
    Did I say buh bye?

  6. Papa John’s was pretty much the best Ocala had to offer for delivery service, and I decided to stop sponsoring the NFL through them a couple of weeks ago. The CEO came out and said they were going to stop sponsoring them, but the actions were limited to removing the NFL logo from their boxes. This just struck me as supporting the enemy, just not so openly. Looking toward John Kerry here…

    I had the PJ’s app on my phone still, and hadn’t thought about it until I got a push message from them offering Veteran’s Day specials. That was the point I went from quietly not supporting them, to picking up the phone to register my disgust with them trying to cash in by playing patriotic, yet offering aid and comfort to the enemy.

    I uninstalled their app, and called their customer service. I worked in a call center for a short time in my life, so I was polite and stated my case to the person on the other end of the call. I expressed my displeasure at PJ’s sending out Veteran’s Day messages while simultaneously supporting those that disrespect the Anthem, Flag, and Country. I let them know that they could close my account, and will never do business with them again. Period.

    This isn’t about some rule change in the NFL. Too late. Personally, the NFL is so dead to me that I wouldn’t stop bad things from happening to them if I was in a position to do so. Their supporters are close, though I probably would help a delivery guy for PJ’s in need.

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