“Paralyzing Snowfall” – IOTW Report

“Paralyzing Snowfall”

Zero Hedge: The National Weather Service warned “paralyzing snowfall” will blanket parts of western and northern New York. Folks living in the cities of Buffalo and Watertown could be using yardsticks by the end of the weekend to measure the snow. 

Lake-effect snow warnings have already been posted from Watertown to Buffalo-Niagara Falls to Erie, Pennsylvania, to northeastern Ohio.  MORE

29 Comments on “Paralyzing Snowfall”

  1. Let’s sing along everyone!!

    If it is snowing, it’s Global Warming!
    If it is not snowing, it’s Global Warming!
    If there are Hurricanes, it’s Global Warming!
    If there are no Hurricanes, it’s Global Warming!
    If there is Drought, it’s Global Warming!
    If there are Monsoons, it’s Global Warming!
    If there are Tornadoes, it’s Global Warming!
    If there are no Tornadoes, it’s Global Warming!
    If the weather is hot, it’s Global Warming!
    If the weather is cold, it’s Global Warming!
    If there is Fog, it’s Global Warming!
    If there is no Fog, it’s Global Warming!

    The school kids need to sing this song to the Gay Flag every morning.

  2. Ground is not frozen yet, upstate NY, two small tractors with plow blades on both. Two snow throwers. Snow shovel on back porch. I’ll check the weather a little closer later. SUV has MS tires. Generator in garage. Had snow Tuesday, but it was gone within hours. House was built in 1785, old photos show no power lines to house, horse and buggy out by the road, no insulation in the walls, no running water, no bathroom in the house. No chain saws no log spliters. I got it easy.

  3. During the Winter of 2008-2009 a week before Christmas we received approximately 3 and a half to 4 ft. of snow in 36 hrs. in Eastern Washington and N. Idaho. We called it a Snowpocalypse, there so much snow in just a day and a half as to cause major havoc for a while. Fortunately, it was just before Christmas. Our parking lot at work was so covered in snow that we couldn’t get into work for a few days till it was all plowed out. And the snow was still deep just after the first of the new year in Jan. 2009 that I got stuck in a whiteout on Hwy. 95 S. of Moscow, Idaho until a tow truck pulled me out and my customers in Lewiston, Id. were wondering why I was making deliveries that day, I could’ve stayed home and saved my self the trouble of driving in all that snow. A snowplow even turned over in the median just outside of Genessee, Id on Hwy. 95 because of all that snow. It seems like every 15 to 20 years we have enormous snowfalls up her here in this neck of the woods. The Winter of 1968 and 69 was another one where we had an enormous amount of snow and was also the Winter that I learned to drive just before my 16th birthday. It was also a great Winter for teenage boys to play in the snow that year, everything from ski jogging behind cars, to massive snowball fights and playing football with all the guys from my neighborhood in the snow at Manito Park when it was well below zero outside on a beautiful sunny day, just because.

  4. SIL lives in Buffalo, DH was born and raised in Buffalo. He got a taste of California life and said “no more snow that’s ass deep to a tall Indian.” He talked to his sister today, she’s not going into work tomorrow – says she hates white outs. Me too, and shoveling it too. No thanks, I’ll take my toasty 63 today.

  5. I live in Watertown. We are use to lake effect snow. Within the last 10 years the news and weather reporters go bat shit crazy every time we get snow, like it is a life changing event.
    I can’t imagine what the news today would have been like back in the Blizzard of 77.

  6. @Worker peasant tax slave, my son and his wife live on an horse farm in upstate NY. They both work from home, but will still have to tend those horses and poor chickens! It will be interesting to hear how it goes. He’s pretty well prepared from what he has said…🤞🏻

  7. super toe

    The weather embellishment is nation wide. Ratings? Not sure. But here in drought stricken Cali every rain event is a torrential down poor followed with a disclaimer on how it won’t effect the drought.

  8. I remember weather forecasts back in the 60s and 70s. The first few minutes were where they explained their errors in yesterday’s forecast. Then they would dive right into the forecast for tomorrow, without a pinch of humility for being wrong daily…

  9. Super Toe,
    Was ’77 the year when the snow was up to the rooftops of a two story house?

  10. I was stationed in Omaha in January ’77. The entire Missouri River froze over solid. I woke up to -25 F temps and it didn’t get above freezing for almost two weeks. Pretty rough for this Texas boy. I know why my ancestors left Wisconsin for Louisiana. Glad they did.


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