Parasitic, disfiguring disease spreads amongst Syrian refugees – IOTW Report

Parasitic, disfiguring disease spreads amongst Syrian refugees

A disfiguring tropical disease that had been contained to Syria has now spread across the Middle East as millions are displaced from the war-torn region.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease spread by bites from infected sand flies.It can lead to severe scarring, often on the face, and regularly goes undiagnosed and untreated.

More @ TammyBruce.


13 Comments on Parasitic, disfiguring disease spreads amongst Syrian refugees

  1. So, besides “disfiguring” (and who said they were pretty to begin with?), does it have any other effects – like death? If so, it’s not working fast enough.

  2. Can’t work up too much sympathy for people who passed out cookies while Americans were jumping out of the twin towers. Enjoy your flesh-eating parasites, f*&K3r$.

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