Pardoned Sailor Kristian Saucier Says Obama DOJ Used Him As A Hillary ‘Scapegoat’ – IOTW Report

Pardoned Sailor Kristian Saucier Says Obama DOJ Used Him As A Hillary ‘Scapegoat’

DC: Kristian Saucier, the U.S. Navy sailor pardoned by President Trump Friday, harshly criticized the Obama administration during a Saturday morning interview with Fox News’ Pete Hegseth.

Saucier was charged and jailed in October 2016 for taking photos onboard a nuclear submarine in 2009. He believes his case was an attempt by the Obama administration to “take the heat” off of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server at the State Department.  more here


16 Comments on Pardoned Sailor Kristian Saucier Says Obama DOJ Used Him As A Hillary ‘Scapegoat’

  1. This guy is an idiot and if he had any sense he would take his pardon and STFU. I’ve been on board a couple submarines to fit tools and it was made very clear to me, don’t even think of taking a picture. I don’t think I would have pardoned him.

  2. I would think that it had the opposite effect in that it made the disparity crystal clear.
    I agree with joe, he did do something wrong and should just take the pardon and walk away. To be fair I am sure that he is being hounded by the press.

  3. I agree with the sailor. He did a dumb thing but it should never have gone beyond command. Article 14, fine, whatever/ But to bring in the FBI and the DOJ. Gimmeafookenbreak! But he should STFU now and get on with his life. PDT did the right thing.

  4. I know he knows he was in the wrong(I have seven years on subs), but to see Hillary get away with much more would grate on me also. Hopefully ,he will take this act of mercy,move on with his life and raise his family. He is not a hero in this, just given a clean slate.

  5. @joe6pack

    He was pardoned so that Trump could shed some light on how seriously the military takes any compromising of classified information. Just snapping a photo of classified equipment, even if you have every intention of keeping it secure will land you in the brig.

    Which means what Hillary did, and what the entire Democratic Party condoned, would have been enough to put an entire brigade of enlisted MI personnel in the brig.

    But seeing as how Hillary was just going to be the CinC, as opposed to someone important, like a Seaman Recruit, that was just A-OK

    Anyone who’s ever been in the military knew, in an instant, upon hearing this server story, that there is no longer any of rule of law whatsoever among progressives, at all. Which is kind of ominous seeing as how 90% of lawyers are proggressives.

  6. Not just O but the LSM as well! Had the Press not lock stepped agreeing with “O” it is unlikely Kristian (no wonder the Clintons picked him to be scape goat!) would have got anything other than Comey gave Clinton – bad words!

  7. PS
    Speaking of the Clintons and the LSM. I think Don is going after the mongers of FAKE NEWS here. And judging by what the TV’s at the gym this morn all said – the LSM “feels the pain”! All th talker implied (without directly so saying) that Don aimed this pardon at them!

  8. Callmelennie, I understand the symbolism of pardoning this guy. But if Trump was looking to show how seriously the military takes the compromising of classified information he could have held him up as an example and described the fact he got off easy with just 1 year. Pardoning the guy makes it seem like it’s not that big a deal.

  9. Some people fail to take seriously the full meaning of what is meant by the silent service. Kristian broke the rules and should pay the consequences. But the consequences should match the severity of the event. Kristian should be thankful for the get out of jail card, fade away to repair his life, and let others debate the disparity of the price he paid for his misdeeds vs what Hillary and others did that was potentially much more damaging to the country.

    Unless there is more to his story his punishment seems overly severe. Was Joe Biden held accountable for revealing it was SEAL Team 6 that took out Osama bin Laden allowing them to be targeted? Was Sandy Berger taking classified materials from the National Archives sentenced to jail time? Mostly people are fined and lose their security clearance. Not sentenced to jail time. And there is a big difference in resulting problems from improper revealing of confidential materials and top secret materials. .

  10. We’ll never know how many trillions of dollars worth of our most valuable military secrets Jules and Ethel Rosenberg-Clinton sold to our enemies for a few cents on the dollar. And nothing. Meanwhile, this kid is locked up for showing pictures of black steel pipes in a submarine?

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