Parents file ‘blockbuster lawsuit’ against Loudoun County Schools for ‘moral corruption of children – IOTW Report

Parents file ‘blockbuster lawsuit’ against Loudoun County Schools for ‘moral corruption of children

LOUDOUN COUNTY, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) — A group of parents filed suit against Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia for “moral corruption of children” over the school board’s promotion of radical gender ideology, Fox News reported.

America First Legal’s Center for Legal Equality filed the “blockbuster lawsuit” against Loudoun County Public Schools “on behalf of 11 courageous parents” in response to “the district’s systemic and egregious moral corruption of children and its deliberate, and almost gleeful, violations of parental rights to control the upbringing of their children,” Fox reported.

“Many will remember that Loudoun County was the epicenter of the debate over parents’ rights in the fall of 2021,” America First Legal stated in a June 29 press release. “Today we bring that fight to the court to vindicate the rights of parents, not just here, but everywhere.”

According to the conservative group, “The delusion that public school bureaucrats – not parents – have the right, the authority, and the power to decide what’s best for a child is a sickness that has spread across the country to schools in all states.” more

22 Comments on Parents file ‘blockbuster lawsuit’ against Loudoun County Schools for ‘moral corruption of children

  1. The school board doesn’t care if they lose. Taxpayers are on the hook for any judgement against the district, and unless they are complete idiots they all have Officer’s (as in CORPORATE officer) and Executives’ Insurance, which is also paid for by the taxpayers, and a comfy lifetime pension if they have to resign temporarily.

    This won’t hurt the groomers at all.

    More…direct…methods are needed.

  2. Sue the teachers and their administrators PERSONALLY. Sue their unions into Bankruptcy. Sue the department of Education out of existence. Sue the communist-Democrats mercilessly.

  3. @TheMule July 8, 2022 at 9:14 pm

    > America is getting sick and tired of the faggots, the groomers, the wokester shitbags, and the KKKlan with a Tan.

    And, that, is why The Party thanks Americans.

    For their service.

  4. I’d Love to Change the World

    Everywhere is freaks and hairies
    Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
    Tax the rich, feed the poor
    ‘Til there are no rich no more?

  5. Mysta
    Alvin Lee and 10 Years After had the guts to tell us back then. So did Dire Straits- then the songs were re-recorded with the words, “the little f*ggot is a millionaire” (referral to Prince) removed and replaced. New versions. The beginning of the wokeshit. I find the original versions comforting.

  6. Aaron Burr
    JULY 9, 2022 AT 9:19 PM
    “Fuggin’ say what you mean. No more time to be coy.


    …shooting seems too…quick. too merciful. Yes, the time available may require speed methods, but I’ve always been partial to edged weapons and automotive tools, and I have training and skills with both, plus a good working knowledge of anatomy and pain management, or lack thereof.

    But I wouldn’t want to discourage the creativity of others.

    Particularly you.


    I’d rather choke them out. Permanently. There’s a couple ways to do that. LOL. But bottom line, ammo’s expensive and sometimes hard to get.

  8. Fine. Tire iron at the base of the skull. Dump that sack of potatas in your trunk.

    If you REALLY want to take your time, pit, victim nekkid tied to a chair. rats.

    Go enjoy your Dr. Who marathon. Check the video recording of the pit later.

    My point is THIS ADMINISTRATION IS FUGGIN FRAUDULENT. There are no laws or rules regarding speech when it has been proven by a court of law that your country has been stolen.

    Our country has been stolen. The election was fraudulent. It is now well within your rights to petition your government with grievances….and …I dunno, stuff.

    But shoot your local pedophile. Not like they carry around a lot of cash. No one will miss them.

  9. Aaron Burr
    JULY 9, 2022 AT 9:31 PM

    “Go enjoy your Dr. Who marathon. Check the video recording of the pit later.”

    …this I can’t agree to. You’re a Batman fan, you KNOW he always escapes when the bad guys go somewhere for no reason and just expect their death trap to work.
    (At 6:10)

    …besides, who doesn’t want to enjoy the screams when the rat breaks through?

    …althogh maybe start the rat at the nuts, and force it north from there ..

  10. Shady…’re just gonna’ have to trust me on this one.

    You THINK you’re gonna’ want to set up a lawn chair and put on some 3D glasses… don’t. You really, really don’t.

    Also, Batman isn’t real. When someone gets tied up to a chair, they’re not going anywhere. No matter how the movies make it look.

    And it’s rats. Plural. More than 3. less than a dozen.

    But I still say shoot your local pedophile. Shoot below the belt. It ain’t attempted murder that way.

    I have stuff to do. Can’t hang out all damn day at the rat pit.

  11. I really hate O-O-O-O-fuckholes’, too. I went there yesterday to order a 9 dollar critical part. 14 dollars to ship it to the store.

    That’s not the fault of the person behind the computer/counter. He essentially told me I was the retard. But he did it in the pleasant Missouri way. And he knew that I knew he was a retard. And we both knew we were BOTH retards for talking to one another.


    But we didn’t devolve into a firefight. Nobody said no shit about no mammas, or baby’s momma’s, no fuck you honkey shit, but I knew that he knew we both suck.


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