Parents Furious Over Math Teacher’s Use of Threats and Coercion to Make Students Watch “LGBT” Video – IOTW Report

Parents Furious Over Math Teacher’s Use of Threats and Coercion to Make Students Watch “LGBT” Video

Gateway Pundit-

A controversy is stirring at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California, after parents raised concerns over a math teacher’s reported use of threats and coercion to force students to watch a video about LGBTQ+ Pride.

The incident reportedly occurred during a regular math class when the teacher played a Bolt TV episode that featured a video promoting LGBTQ+ Pride, according to R-let Vaz, whose daughter Ivory was one of the students and who recorded the incident.

The video was part of a routine broadcast by Bolt TV, the school’s student-produced and administration-approved channel. However, the student’s reaction was far from uniform, as most students found the video very uncomfortable.

One student can be heard saying, “Why are you showing this to kids?”

11 Comments on Parents Furious Over Math Teacher’s Use of Threats and Coercion to Make Students Watch “LGBT” Video

  1. The truth is most people are still overwhelmingly straight and same sex BS is repulsive to us. You can’t even watch any TV series without the same graphic same sex displays and my husband and I always look at each other, roll our eyes and fast forward.

  2. “This is 100% indoctrination!!”

    Nope, it is child grooming and deliberately robbing children of their innocence.

    They will get theirs.

    “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
    Mathew 18:6

  3. Let Me guess the administration’s reaction:
    This was not sanctioned by the administration.
    We are investigating this matter.
    The teacher has been placed on administrative leave pending the investigation.
    We have taken appropriate action.
    We cannot discuss personnel matters

  4. Nope, it is child grooming and deliberately robbing children of their innocence.

    They will get theirs.


    Agreed, Yes, God WILL sort things out in the end, but we are to protect the little ones NOW. We can’t stand by and just let it happen without fighting it. That would make us complicit.

  5. In any decent society everyone who played ANY PART in this would be charged with something akin to communicating with a minor for immoral purposes and absolute prohibited from ever being around children under 18. That’s just a start.

  6. TIM

    Teachers in SoCal have been UNIPARTY liberals for 70 years! I had years of direct experience when Ike was President!

    She clearly in on “the fast track’ to a leadership position NOTANEW LINE OF WORK!

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