Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action call for President Obama’s resignation in searing open letter about his handling of ISIS – IOTW Report

Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action call for President Obama’s resignation in searing open letter about his handling of ISIS

The Daily Mail

‘Your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole’:

  • Billy and Karen Vaughn lost their only-son Aaron Carson Vaughn in 2011
  • The SEAL Team Six member was one of 33 killed when a Chinook helicopter was gunned down in Afghanistan
  • On Monday, the Vaughns wrote a letter condemning President Barack Obama’s actions following the release of the video depicting the execution of American journalist James Foley by Islamic State radicals
  • Mr and Mrs Vaughn criticized the president’s decision to go golfing after he held a press conference on the Foley beheading 

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15 Comments on Parents of SEAL Team Six soldier killed in action call for President Obama’s resignation in searing open letter about his handling of ISIS

  1. @Hotlanta Mike…

    From SOS Hillary Clinton, 2011:

    “I am very pleased to announce a big step forward in the Obama Administration’s support of the Iranian people.
    Under our old visa policy, Iranian students and exchange visitors were eligible for visas that lasted for only three months and could be used to enter the country just one time. As of today, that has changed. They are now eligible for two-year, multiple entry visas.
    This gives young Iranians the opportunity to return home for family events, to participate in internships, to travel outside the United States—and they won’t need to get a new visa every time.
    I’ve heard from many Iranian students and Iranian Americans that you wanted this change. So I want you to know that we are listening to your concerns. We want more dialogue and more exchange with those of you who are shaping Iran’s future. We want to be able to share what we think is great about America.
    Because as long as the Iranian government continues to stifle your potential, we will stand with you. We will support your aspirations, and your rights. And we will continue to look for new ways to fuel more opportunities for real change in Iran. Thank you.”

    I wonder how many of those missing 6,000 are Iranian “students”. But I guess 2011 was a long time ago and what difference does it make.

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