Parents Pull Son From School Because ‘Hateful’ Third Graders Don’t Think He’s A Girl – IOTW Report

Parents Pull Son From School Because ‘Hateful’ Third Graders Don’t Think He’s A Girl

DC: The parents of an 8-year-old Texas boy pulled their son out of school after his “hateful” third grade classmates wouldn’t treat him like a girl.

Marilyn Morrison began the school year at Cannon Elementary School in Grapevine, Texas identifying himself as a transgender girl for the first time, a local Fox affiliate reported.

Marilyn said his classmates were bullying him and not accepting of his new identity, which made him feel uncomfortable. “It makes me feel like I’m my old self when I was a boy,” he explained.

“It’s hard to have to speak up and out my daughter, but I don’t have a choice,” said the boy’s mom, Chelsea Morrison. “I feel like it’s the only way that I can protect her. It kills me to know the kids could be so hateful.”

Chelsea said she was unhappy with how the school handled her son’s “transition” to female.


30 Comments on Parents Pull Son From School Because ‘Hateful’ Third Graders Don’t Think He’s A Girl

  1. Does the idiot mother really think that there is a school on Earth that will handle her SON’s transition any better?

    So now this poor, fucked-up little kid isn’t receiving ANY education. No wonder transgenders are at increased risk of unemployment.

  2. Also: Home schooling is NOT the answer here. All it will do is postpone the inevitable backlash from people (i.e. employers) when the child enters the workforce.

    Face it–nobody likes a freak.

  3. “‘It makes me feel like I’m my old self when I was a boy…'” What is this “when I was a boy” crap. Listen you blubbery, snaggle toothed, mentally deranged pervert: you are a boy. You have been male since you were a zygote. You were born male. You are a male now. You will be male until the day you die. And if archeologists dig up your bones in a thousand years, you will still be male.

  4. I cringe every time I see one of my fellow Texans comment something like “we don’t go for that shit down here.” There are plenty of Hillary signs and bumper stickers here, Prius,sanctuary cities, tree huggers, fudge packers, and moonbattery in general. It’s getting worse every GD day. I’m waiting for all the Mexicans to move up here so I can go live out my days south of the Rio Grande.

  5. Col. Angus, Yup. Especially if you live in a big city.

    As a conservative, I am in the minority in Dallas generally and specifically on my own street – mostly Mexicans. Any flag of mine will be broken or taken at some point.

  6. Sorry to keep coming back, but this story is just so mind-boggling.

    Has anyone called out the parents on their own rigid thinking about gender roles? If an 8-year-old boy came to me saying that he’d rather be a girl, I’d ask what it is about being a girl that he found appealing. Okay, so the kid wants to bake cookies and play with dolls? Let him! Our society today is sufficiently forgiving of behaviors in either gender that were once restricted to just one. It isn’t necessary to change sides and go all freaky-deaky just because a girl likes sports and a boy likes giving tea parties. There’s plenty of room on both sides for all sorts of behaviors.

  7. I agree with Greetings on this. But, the unthinkable may be at play here. How much about sex and sex education do these 8 or 9 year old kids know? Could it be that this child is self-identifying as female because this child wants to play the female role in sex? I honestly don’t know. Either way, it is sad the parent is so weak in guiding this child instead of playing along and defending her snowflake.

  8. “Truth” is what remains when you stop believing in something.

    Show up as bleached bones 50 years later in a murder mystery and see how they describe your sex in the investigation.

  9. So, does Marilyn look like a girl? I suspect not, judging by the photo. Otherwise, how the hell would classmates know she/he was a boy? I smell parental eat set up, using their child as a tool. Sad, sad.

  10. Crazy sh*t. Both of my boys liked to do girl stuff when they were that age. I never thought to ask them if they wanted to be girls, or encouraged them to. When you spend 75% of your time with your mother it’s only natural to do effeminate things. Unfortunately moonbats now days see this as some kind of divine providence that their precious snowflake knows what they want. They don’t. They are children, then again, so are their parents.

  11. We are going to need a bigger insane asylum. One side for the criminally insane (Hillary supporters) and one side for the merely insane like the retarded parents of this boy!

  12. @Anonymous:

    Yeah, I got the parental set-up vibe too–I watched the video clip and found it beyond disingenuous for an 8-year-old to talk about his “journey.”

    What a huge, overflowing, steaming crock that is. How can an 8-year-old know about the “journey?” He hasn’t been on the frickin’ road long enough!

  13. “‘It makes me feel like I’m my old self when I was a boy…’”

    In other words, he got picked on as a boy, too, and thought changing into a “girl” would make that better. Kid’s not very bright, and his parents have no business having children. Welcome to Utopia.

  14. Kids are cruel. They learn from their parents & they aren’t corrected when they make bad decisions. I agree that taking the kiddo out of school & putting him in home school only delays the inevitable but you guys & your name-calling is uncalled for. Completely disgusting to tear apart a family you don’t even know & act like your an expert on anything.

  15. The parents are just a couple assholes looking for some validation. Lefties will welcome them, and the kid will spend his time working public restrooms at truck stops. Have a happy life

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