PARLER CEO: “If we must restrict and censor the voices of people to keep our country safe then our country is already lost” – IOTW Report

PARLER CEO: “If we must restrict and censor the voices of people to keep our country safe then our country is already lost”

100% Fed Up: Parler is the fastest growing social media alternative to Facebook and Twitter. Parler CEO John Matze, a graduate of the University of Denver, is a true believer of free speech. The rate at which free speech advocates are flocking to his social media platform is evidence that Parler should be taken seriously.

If free speech truly is the enemy and we must restrict and censor the voices of people to keep our country safe then our country is already lost.

If one man’s voice is a threat to our nation but his holding of the presidential office is not, than it is apparent the powers of the presidency are less powerful than a single voice. Why should any of us settle to giving up our rights to free speech?

It’s clear that Facebook and Twitter believe the ends justify the means. They believe the American people are weak. They insult our founding fathers by suggesting Zuckerburg and Dorsey know what is best for us.

Parler is not an arbiter of truth. We believe in you. We believe you are wise enough to decide for yourself and trust that given access to all information we can self govern. The solution is clear. If you believe in free speech, and our founding principles of our republic, then we must liberate others by promoting free speech Parler.

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13 Comments on PARLER CEO: “If we must restrict and censor the voices of people to keep our country safe then our country is already lost”

  1. We are in for a rough two years at which point the Dems will gain seats in the House and the Senate that’s to Dominion and boxes of ballots found in broom closets and rental cars.

  2. I think he’s spot on with the last part of his statement. The FBI’S running around the country grabbing people. Must finally be over their lunch break from the last 4 years.

  3. Google and Apple are both going to ban the Parler app from their stores. I’m confused. Why does Parler need them to distribute its app? Can’t Parler distribute the app from its own homepage? Lots of companies create and distribute their own clients — why not Parler?

  4. Parler went down tonight while I was cooking dinner. Big influx of twitter refugees much like when I joined in April. I like parler and have never been censored there but their platform is easily swamped.

  5. Both Google and Apple could shut down Parler in their next update. Don’t be surprised if Bill Gates starts implementing similar censorship on Windows platforms. The software is probably already in place, just waiting to be activated.

    Since I am in foil hat mode, also consider that your files and account activity are vulnerable to being reviewed for “seditious language” — going back years.

    If they are using the same playbook used in Latin America, plan on seeing things happen very, very fast. Nothing should be considered as impossible. Consider the social, cultural and political changes we have seen in the last 12 years. Most of those changes we considered would never happen — and here we are.


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