Partner in NYC Mayor’s Anti-Violence Initiative Busted in Gun and Drug Bust – IOTW Report

Partner in NYC Mayor’s Anti-Violence Initiative Busted in Gun and Drug Bust


The head of a New York City anti-violence group that partnered with Democratic mayor Eric Adams to curb violence was charged in a massive weapons and drug bust last week.

Michael Rodriguez, who heads a group called Bronx Rises Against Gun Violence, is facing drug and weapons charges after police found two illegal guns in his home in an upstate bust that took down 14 other suspects. He is accused of supplying drugs to dealers in cities outside of New York City for sale on the streets.

Rodriguez’s group is one of several named in an initiative by Adams to lessen gun violence. The organization is listed in an overview of Adams’s “Blueprint to End Gun Violence,” which was published last year.

“The allegations of drug trafficking and gun possession against Michael Rodriguez are shocking and disturbing, especially since he has attended anti-violence events and peace marches portraying himself as someone who cares about stopping the violence in our community,” Darcel Clark, Bronx district attorney, said. more

6 Comments on Partner in NYC Mayor’s Anti-Violence Initiative Busted in Gun and Drug Bust

  1. On the left the corruption is endemic, from the smallest jurisdiction through the federal government. On the right we aren’t as well able to tell, the leftists hold most municipal jurisdictions and half the state jurisdictions, but certainly at the federal level the corruption on the right is endemic.

    In an endemically corrupt system a white knight or anti-corruption member of the system CANNOT RISE. The vested corrupt members will not allow it. Look at the caterwauling over Trump, from his first election to now, it hasn’t stopped or even slowed much. The corrupt members of the system are trying everything in their power to prevent this individual from regaining any position in the system. The reason is, Trump is aware of, experienced with and declines to become a receiving participant in the corruption. He has paid off those who needed paid off to make his projects work, but he apparently hasn’t taken any bribes or emoluments and can claim to be clean on that front.

    We are not going to be able to clean this up through any civil means I can come up with, it is too thoroughly entrenched and pervasive.


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