Party Switcher: Many Democrats Don’t Believe the U.S. Is Greatest Country in the World – IOTW Report

Party Switcher: Many Democrats Don’t Believe the U.S. Is Greatest Country in the World

WFB: Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D., N.J.) said Tuesday that many of his Democratic colleagues do not believe in American exceptionalism and do not think the United States is the greatest country on earth.

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake asked Van Drew, who is expected to become a Republican in the near future, if there are issues he aligns with the GOP on besides his opposition to impeaching President Donald Trump. Van Drew responded with “American exceptionalism,” adding that he believes “many” Democrats don’t think the United States is the greatest country in the world. read more

14 Comments on Party Switcher: Many Democrats Don’t Believe the U.S. Is Greatest Country in the World

  1. The thing that makes America exceptional is liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty. Democrats want more government and less liberty. It’s not so much that don’t believe in American exceptionalism, it’s more that they oppose it.

  2. “…over his fellow New Jersey lawmaker’s party flip. Pascrell on Tuesday appeared to threaten Van Drew, saying, ‘Do you know how we would have handled this back in Paterson?’ He quickly added that he was not advocating for violence against Van Drew.”

    No, of course not…democrats would NEVER advocate violence.

  3. The democrats are trying real hard to make their view of America-not-so-great become reality.
    I hope they fail and it’s the democrat party that becomes more & more diminished. They deserve the backfire.

  4. @Anonymous December 18, 2019 at 7:11 pm

    > But they are all claiming they are doing their solemn duties based upon their oath of office to support and defend the Constitution.

    And you seem to be saying they are not.

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