Party time: VIP Democrats’ celebrations with unmasked crowds suggest unconcern over Delta variant – IOTW Report

Party time: VIP Democrats’ celebrations with unmasked crowds suggest unconcern over Delta variant

Just The News: A series of high-profile celebrations involving major Democratic politicians is offering Americans a glimpse of an elite life in the U.S. where few seem unduly alarmed about the ongoing SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, specifically the virus’s “Delta variant.” 

That variant has been blamed for the current surge of COVID-19 cases throughout the country and has led to widespread reinstitution of many virus mitigation measures that had been discarded earlier in the year, including mask mandates and distancing measures. 

Experts see the situation as so serious that some states have begun ordering mask mandates even for vaccinated individuals, as the CDC recently recommended. Others, meanwhile, have used dire language to underscore the purported need for, at the very least, forced vaccinations. 

“I know people must like to have their individual freedom and not be told to do something,” President Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said recently during an MSNBC interview, “but I think we’re in such a serious situation now that, under certain circumstances, mandates should be done.”

Democrats party up at weddings, birthday bashes

The Delta variant has been broadly painted as a serious enough threat that much normal activity should be suspended until it is brought under control. Fauci recently criticized attendees of the South Dakota Sturgis Motorcycle Rally for gathering in large crowds.  more

8 Comments on Party time: VIP Democrats’ celebrations with unmasked crowds suggest unconcern over Delta variant

  1. Over 1.5 million illegals allowed to enter the country this year without screening or vaccination, then shipped to all parts of the country. Yeah, I believe they are serious about stopping the China virus.

  2. I’ve been vaccinated 14 times. I get the free Covid screening test at Walgreens twice a week. I wear my N95 mask 24/7 and my hands are raw from using hand sanitizer every ten minutes. You should do this too, otherwise you’re being socially irresponsible and could infect me.

  3. Blowback is absolutely waaaaaaaaaay overdue.

    And these jackasses don’t realize, the later it comes, the more huge and unstoppable it will be.

    I, personally, look forward to it with gleeful anticipation.


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